Early 90s 2-channel Dual Rectifier footswitch help

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
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Hi All

apologies if this question has been asked before, but i can't seem to find any information on this.

My friend recently acquired a '92 dual rec (S/N R-002419) but doesn't have a footswitch for it. I can't seem to find any schematics for the fs anywhere.

From the looks of it i would say it's a TR cable going to the switch, but mesa has 2 switches for sale on their page: LED version and no LED. Does the amp provide power via a TRS cable for the LED or does it need a battery?

also, is the footswitch a momentary or latching switch?


The 2 channel DR heads use a TS cable and need a latching switch to make the channels change.

The footswitch jack will send current through the cable to power the LED (i.e., you do not need a battery to power the LED), but from what I remember the LED needs to bridge the terminals of the switch to create a voltage drop to change the channels when the LED is in the circuit.

I'm pulling this from memory (my amps and their switches aren't here so I can't open them up and check), but I can confirm the footswitches from both my current tremoverb and the 2 channel DR I had several years ago did not have batteries to light the LEDs and the footswitches were basically a jack, a switch, and an LED in an enclosure.