Dumb noobie question on power tube changing

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Jul 19, 2007
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I'm kind of embarrassed to ask, but...

I just got a set of MESA EL34s to pop into my Mark V head and can't wait to hear what difference they make. I got the "cage" off this morning, but before I do anythign drastic, could someone kindly give me the drill on how to remove the 6L6s without wrecking anything?! Specifically, do I have to unscrew and remove the metal collars at the base of the tubes first, or do gently bend them out a little, or should the tubes pull right out through them as they are?

I told you it was an embarassing question :oops: ! I managed to change some preamp tubes in my former Express combo, but I never had to do anything with the power tubes in that...
You can push/bend the little brackets down a bit.

Tubes can rock just a tiny bit on the way out, tiny bit is key. Look at the alignment pin position at you take them out so it wil be easier to see how to align the new ones for install.


Some people believe in burning in new tubes, by turning on the amp and letting it idle for 30 mins before playing thru it. Not sure if it works, but to be safe I do it.

I have EL34's in my MKV. Like the sound, especally ch 2 and 3.

Good Luck!
Great - nice clear answer for the Tubely-challenged (did I just invent a new word?!) amongst us :D
dont forget to watch the matching as well, they'll come in sets of two and you should have a matched pir in the outers and a pair in the inner sockets :D .
I would also note which sockets your 6L6s came out of so that if your ever switch them back in, you get them into the same sockets. DO NOT FORGET TO FLIP THE BIAS SWITCH.
Nothing else really to add here guy, except that when ya flip the bias to the EL34 position, the red caution light will come on, but do not be alarmed at this, or think something may be wrong, it should be lit.

It sort of freaked me out abit when it came on until I found out that it should be!
all of the above tips are great!!!!

just want to add:

spray some contact cleaner to the tubes pins, if you do not have any contact cleaner at least remove the new tubes in and out the socket 3 or 4 times (by doing this you will create a good contact between the tubes pins and amp socket)..... some time ago i replaced some power tubes with out doing the above proccedure.... and the amp develop this popping and friying bacon sound(this may not happen everytime you replace tubes but)!!!!! to solve this problem, basically i did the above proccedure and everything work perfectly.

good luck and have patience. :wink:

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