
The Boogie Board

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Living_justice said:
there should be one currancy in the world, that will sort the world out and the fat cats and the self serveing pigs.

That's easier said than done.

Doe's anybody remember in the late '70's when they were trying to push the Metric system on us? (USA) It didn't go over too well. Fortunately or unfortunately, us American's are stubborn and don't feel we should change for anyone. On the contrary, we feel that the world should change for us!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just stating my opinion, hopefully I'm wrong.
One currency for the whole world? please no, for whatevers sake.

You're income would be worth less because some african dictator is bitching around with his country, or we in europe would have troubles paying our mortgages because american bankers were stupid :lol:
Can you get boogies in asian countries? i've never heard how much they'd cost in, say, japan. i only ever hear europeans complaining. ;)

oh yeah and the aussies.