Dual recto roadster distortion

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2009
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hello! just wondering what do you guys use as distortion goes. do you use the amps distortion or a pedal? i use ch4 on modern with a TS9, sometimes a MT2. i play mostly metal and prog rock.
I use a maxon od 808 as a boost. it gets tighter that way. gain on the amp 1-2 oclock
I tried putting my ts808 in front of the Roadster... It seemed to take away more than it added. Mesa's are VERY high gain amps. I can make a harmonic sustain FOREVER without any pedals in front.

Neither of my Mesa's responded well to the tubescreamer, but my JCM 800 becomes a fire breathing dragon with it.

I know a lot of guys here run boosts with their Mesa's... but I just can't imagine wanting more gain than a Roadster has to offer. To each his own I guess.
thanks guys, i suggest you all visit. www.robertkeeley.com they modify pedals there... most of the famous pedals and stuff.

b.t.w do you think maybe an overdrive could work too?
funny fact: i've never dialed my mesa past 1 o'clock im afraid i'll either break the speaker or blow up the windows hahah :lol:
echoes420 said:
I know a lot of guys here run boosts with their Mesa's... but I just can't imagine wanting more gain than a Roadster has to offer. To each his own I guess.

Agreed -- wouldn't have bought the Roadster if the amp's natural gain wasn't enough. I don't use any extra distortion pedals.
fjk1138 said:
echoes420 said:
I know a lot of guys here run boosts with their Mesa's... but I just can't imagine wanting more gain than a Roadster has to offer. To each his own I guess.

Agreed -- wouldn't have bought the Roadster if the amp's natural gain wasn't enough. I don't use any extra distortion pedals.

I think you guys are missing the point. It's not that the amp needs more gain, it's to tighten the amp up. You run your gain considerably lower than you normally would and then boost it with the pedal...typically running the 'level' of the pedal cranked and the 'gain' almost completely off.
yes that s right. tighten up the amp with an od and you get slighly more sustain too.....I prefer the sound of a boosted mesa recto
Most of the time, I prefer running an EQ in the loop to tighten up the sound. Sometimes I would boost it, but I find it can sound a tad too compressed for certain stuff that I play...
2 things...turn off the fx loop. that makes a HUGE difference.

And I really like the od808 out front for heavier 'crisp' tones.

Plus, the od808 out front of channel 2, with brit mode and a little gain dialed on the pedal is NICE!

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