Dual Recto 2 channel

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Oct 7, 2005
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I'm about to buy a dual recto 2 channel and been looking at one with the send and mix control for the loop and one with just the send control. The one with just the send has a serial number around 1450. I havent tried the other one and don't know the serial nr.
Is there a difference in tone in these rectos? Does the loop controls effect the tone?
The effects loops started out being a serial effects loop (the one you denoted with only send knob), but that's only on about the first 500 - 750 produced. I don't think there should be any like that with a serial above 1000. I'd have to double check. After that, they switched to the parallel effects loop from then on out. I would honestly stray away from the really early Recto's in that range back from '92 if you really like a good clean channel. Aside from the loop, those first run of about 750 or so also have an almost non-existant clean channel. It's ok, but not as good as the cleans after they made the switch.

From there on out, you have what I consider to be the best of the bunch, the late '93 - '95 or so, and some of the early '96 models. They have excellent bite and attack IMO, contrary to the post above, and I absolutely love the clean channel in it with a good set of JJ's in the preamp. I can get some very nice clean sounds from the amp, and probably my favorite on a high gain amp.
The more I play the mid 90s Dual Rectos the more I need one..

People who say they dont sound the best are just people who own different Rectos and cant live up to the truth.

I used to be one of those people, but why fight it?

My friend has a 95, and thing just MURDERS. I was playing through this super shity tiny crate 4x12 and it still sounded GREAT!

Maybe Ive just grown incredibly accustomed to the current generation of Rectos voicing, but the older ones almost sound like a different amp to me.
I don't believe the loop controls affect the tone. It should be noted that some people have employed the loop on without any effects, cranking the return level, thus driving the V5 pre-amp tube for more gain! Personally, I feel the Rectifiers have enough gain on tap without doing this, but it is an option. This of course refers to the DR's with parallel loops, ie. a send and return level control.
I would honestly stray away from the really early Recto's in that range back from '92 if you really like a good clean channel.

Does this include Tremoverbs? I should have my new (old) '94 Tremoverb combo by Friday, and it has just the one mix knob for the FX loop. I love my '95 Head, should I expect the clean to be a little different (since this is the main reason I'm getting a T-verb is for the clean)?
tele_jas said:
Does this include Tremoverbs? I should have my new (old) '94 Tremoverb combo by Friday, and it has just the one mix knob for the FX loop. I love my '95 Head, should I expect the clean to be a little different (since this is the main reason I'm getting a T-verb is for the clean)?

That's odd...there shouldn't be any T-Verbs from '94 (I don't think) that have a serial effects loop. What's the serial on that, if you know? The ones I was referring to are only around the first 750 or so that are made.
Heres a pic of the back of it, I spoke to tech support at boogie and they said the first few hunderd T-verbs had a serial loop in stead of paralell. This amp also has Vintage 30 celestions, were these the stock speakers?

my tverb combo has V30's in them and there stock, however that wiring from the speaker looks kinda like a dogy home made job, and not up to mesa standerds, however my combo is a 96 modle and has V30's

Well. I finally got a dual recto. Serial # 21X. What a fantastic amp. It's one of the early models without mix control for the loop. The tone is really different from the later models.