Dual Rectifiers

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
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Albuquerque, NM
I'm in the market for one, currently teasing a few deals. I'm pretty clueless as I have never owned a Mesa, any help would be IMMENSELY appreciated. Thanks in advance!

(All are Dual Rectifiers)
  • A VooDoo Deluxe Mod Two-Channel for $1300 + Shipping
    A 1994 Two-Channel for $1200 + Shipping
    Serial R-00677x (no footswitch) Two-Channel for $1310
    A 2003 Three-Channel w/ footswitch and cover for $1285
    Serial R-009482 Two-Channel w/ footswitch for $1250

I really, REALLY want the 2003, it has tubes that have never been played on (just replaced) and is in an official Mesa Boogie shop waiting to be sold. However, after reading all the remarks here about how much Three Channels suck I've been put off to buying it, which is unfortunate because it really seems to me to be a good deal.

Perhaps lame, but I just want to sound like Adam Jones of Tool. I've spent many years learning all of Tool's songs to perfection and all I want to know is if I can get that tone from a Three-Channel or if I'd have to turn the volume up to way past where a Two-Channel would have to be to get a similar tone.

Once again, thanks for any advice you may have for me.

Basically, what I want to know is how much louder the Three Channel has to be to sound like the Two Channel in tone. Is it so much more that I should just get one of the Two Channels? And would the VooDoo mod make the head sound worse or lose its tone?
I don't think there is any tone problems with the 3 channel, and both the 3 channel and 2 channel need to be turned up to band level (sometimes louder) to sound their best. Don't be turned off by the 3 channel, but if you can try out the ones you are looking at. I personally like my 3 channel as much/better than any 2 channel I've played, but that's personal preference to tone rather than anything else (I'm also one of the few that has no regrets of selling my tremoverb). That being said it's all personal taste, if you spend enough time with any amp you can make it sound good. Different tubes, guitars, pups, strings, picks, everything will make subtle to drastic changes in how the amp sounds. If it was me I'd either get the 3 channel or the 2 channel voodoo mod- 3 channel for having 3 channels (a must for me) 2 chanel voodoo mod just out of curiosity to see how it sounds compared to a stock one. Anyway you cut, if you get the tone you're after you win :D
I really appreciate the words of wisdom, Jon!

However, the main reason I need you guys is because I can't just try out the amps. They only exist on my computer screen until I pay for one.

If anyone here has heard Tool before and has played on two/three line dual rectifiers, can both of these heads achieve Tool's tone or just the two line? (I would describe Tool's tone as being very high gain yet very distinct: it's distortion to the max yet EXTREMELY easy to tell the difference between any two notes.)

My palm mutes have to be chunky, have to hear every string in a chord, and most importantly, when I put my hand across the strings I want COMPLETE silence.

So, are you guys exaggerating when you say the Three Line DR on high gain sounds like it has a beehive in it in comparison to the Two Line DR on high gain?
I play some Tool songs in a cover band in am in and I use a Single Rectifier and a Dual Rectifier Triple Channel. I have no trouble playing Schism, Stinkfist and Sober with either amp.

As long as you are getting a Dual Rectifier ( or single/triple rec) you cannot go wrong for the Adam Jones sound. I strongly suggest you take a road trip and play a Rectifier somewhere before you buy one. I was extremely, catastrophically disappointed with my Dual Rectifier when I first got it 6 years ago. I cannot plug straight into a Rectifier series amp and be happy with the tone. I have to have a Noise suppressor, overdrive pedal and delay pedal. Armed with these items I love my amps. I can get the lead tones I want ( and there are many on this board who will justifiably tell you how hard it is to get sustain out of a Rec) and good enough cleans to get by.

If you buy anyone of these amps blindly you may not be happy. make a roadtrip to a dealer if you can. It will be worth the test drive.
I can't thank you enough for that advice... you're right, I am being pretty foolish with my hard earned dollar here.

The closest Mesa dealer to me is a good hour away, I'll make the trip ASAP, I'd rather burn the gas to know what I'm getting than burn the cash to get disappointed.

Also good to hear that Adam's tone can be squeezed out of a Three Channel, because the Mesa dealer I'll be visiting only has three channels.

It does blow that I'll only be able to try a three channel and not a two before I make my decision. And, from what I've heard, it takes a lot of dial tweaking to get the right sound one is looking for and I'm not sure how happy the store will be to let me fiddle around so much on something I'm not buying from them, but instead online.

Thanks again, I'm sure I'll have more questions after I try one out in reality and it's comforting to know you guys have the answers.
The modded 2 channel sounds like a steal at that price...I would take that one without a second thought :wink:

Unless you want to get me the seller's contact info :wink:
Adam Jones used 1993 Dual Rectifiers (possibly even 1992 rectos). Talk to Clutch71...He's a TOOL FREAK! He's tried out many rectifiers. I'm sure he can tell you which one nails the Tool sound.

My vote goes to the older 2channel rectos. They nail every rectifier tone (except the crappy ones you hear on radio these days). :wink:
If you need clarity the 2 channel is defintly the way, alot clearer then the 3 channel. The 3 channel is a bit more buzzy, but if you are playing metal most people prefer it, not to mention with the right tubes you can tame it.

Also be prepared with either version to use an OD pedal, rec's have a loose bottem end, and by keeping the gain around 1 or 2 oclock and using an OD tightens them up and gives you more gain then you need.

As to Mr jones, you might also want to find out what speaker conbination he used, and I know he just did not use a straight rec alone, i believe he combined 3 different amps, all on at the same time.

Personaly I would watch ebay and craigslist, you can get used 2 channels between $900 and $1100, usually the 92's (under 1000 S/N) and black faces go for the higher range between $1100 and $1200, but i have seen them get higher. However the newer 2 channels, normal colors you can get for as low as $900, but average around $1000.
x1000 to go for a 2 channel, you'll be much happier later down the road, when you know more, have more experience and can say wow, hey those guys have tried them all, have played them for years and hey they must know what they're talking about when they happily give advice about good tone. I don't know if you read my comment about the VooDoo mod DR but for that price....the price of a stock one, I'd go for it !

I know some guys are real purists here and doubters, as if it's sacrilege (sp?) to MOD :shock: a Mesa....

The VooDoo deluxe mod Dual Rec ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed a couple of you made mention of using an OD pedal and was wondering if you had any suggestions for an OD that'll play nice with my 2 channel DR?

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