Dual Rectifier or Mark IV ?

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Feb 15, 2007
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I currently play through a dual rectifier (3 channel) and enjoy every minute of it, but I can't help but think that it sounds a little sloppy and not as punchy as I would like it to.

I have heard a lot of good things about the Mark IV head but having never tried one, (they seem pretty rare in the UK) I have no idea how it sounds.

Has anyone been lucky enough to try both, and in their opinion what sounds better? I tend to play stuff along the lines of Metallica (MOP/AJFA era) Tool, Mastodon, Lamb of God and whilst the Dual Recto sounds HEAVY I cant seem to get a decent tight sound. I have screwed around with the tone settings and backed off the gain a little.

Is the Mark IV the way forward? A lot of people seem to think its the Holy Grail..........................

Please help a confused soul ! :?
Well, I think a Mark IV would suit you better yes.
It will definately get you the desired Metallica and LOG sound.
Tight, punchy and scorching.
I just sold my Dual Rec for a MarkIV for many of the same reasons.

From the moment I bought my DR, I was never quite satisfied with it and knew I would part with it eventually.. I have yet to be disappointed by the Mark IV.
I tried a 3 channel DR and it was awful.
Previously, i owned studio pre and 50/50..sold the studio and spent the money while waiting for a quad to show up..then sold the fifty as well and was so happy and anxious to hear and try the DR..me and my buddy were both disappointed..gave it back, found a MKIV and it blew me out of the window as soon as i heard it (almost literally :)
I am also a big fan of Metallica and if you want a sound similar to theirs..buy the MKIV.
I've owned two Rectos, a 2004 3 channel, and a 1992 blackface 2 channel. I liked the 3ch, loved the 2ch, but I adore my Mark IV.

IMO, it is superior in every way. I would like a Rectifier again some day, since I do like that tone alot, but I would chose a Mark IV over one.
You will never get the heaviness that you can get out of your Dual Rec from a Mark IV but then again if tightness is your thing you will never get the tighness you can achieve from a Mark IV from a Dual Rec either.
Boogiebabies said:
MK IV. Such a good amp it's stupid.

I think I'm gonna use this phrase as my signature. Do I have your permission BB? :lol:

So it seems that the general consensus is to get a Mark IV then ! From what I have read it seems that it wins hands down.

Thanks for the advice people :D
Ya, do yourself a big favor and get a Mark IV! I wish I would have went that route. I don't want to get rid of my RK now that I have it, but I personally think the Mark IV is a better amp. I use to have one and wish I never would have gotten rid of it. I do plan on getting another one someday. It's tight and heavy and meaner in my opinion!!!!!!!!!
Anyone got experience of purchasing a Mark IV from within the UK? From what I can tell these things are **** expensive and only a handful of places sell them. :cry:

Someone once told me that it is cheaper to buy them from overseas and import them in, not sure if that's an option though as the import tax can be very expensive.

Got my Metallica tickets on the weekend for the new Wembley Stadium gig, bring it on! :twisted: