dual rectifier fuse issues

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Aug 10, 2008
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I was playing a show recently with my dual rectifier in a venue with questionable wiring. I ended up blowing a fuse at this show. I recently tried replacing the fuse, however, whenever i take my amp of standby it immediately blows the newly replaced fuse. I am not that savy when it comes to amp repairs or electronics so i was wondering if anyone could offer any advice or help suggestions. much appreciated
You might want to trouble shoot the power tube section. Start over with the tube rec/ss switch set to diode and power up. If it still pops the fuse it should be one of your power tubes, so pop your back up set and see what happens. If it is still blowing fuses after swapping power tubes/going to SS for the rectifier it might be time to go to the repair shop, but most likely a tube issue. Good luck and keep us posted!
I'll add to fishyfishfish's post.

Remove the rectifier tubes, switch to diodes, replace the fuse, and power up. If it still blows fuses, it's likely a power tube.

From the info you gave, it sounds to me like a power tube. If it was a rectifier tube, it should blow the fuse upon powering up, not standby.