Dual Rectifier 3ch with Gmajor KILLDRY??

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2006
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I have spent an hour or two going through some old threads, but I still haven't really come to an understanding to finding a decent sound.

It looks like moding the FX loop to serial still doesn't completely get rid of the dry signal leaking through. Turning up the mix to 90%, there isn't a lot of dry coming through anyway, its pretty quiet.

Then we also have the KillDry feature on the gmajor but doing this you will lose any volume boost from the gmajor and just activation the FX loop alone drops the volume on the amp completely.

I just can not find a good mix here. I either don't have enough volume on channel 2 for my solos (I need a regular volume and a boosted volume and use the solo boost for that on the Mesa), or I have feedback or the delayed sounds coming back in from the Gmajor are distorted.

Could anyone please share a happy medium they have found? I am really only using the gmajor at this time for delay. I am almost ready to sell it and get a delay pedal but I am not sure this will help since the FX loop is parallel anyway.
FX Send on the amp around 1:00
Input in the effect about halfway up, output a little more than half.
KillDry engaged.
-10/+4 (consumer/pro on some TC stuff) set to +4 (pro).
FX Mix on amp at half, adjust to taste for more/less FX.

MOST IMPORTANT: amp's output UP, 12:00 or more, channel masters DOWN...you will still have plenty of volume, without overloading the FX unit's input (this is what's distorting the delays). The Channel Masters act as individual send levels to the loop, so run the clean channel just below the level where it starts to distort the effects, and set the dirty channels to an appropriate volume balance with the clean. Then set the Output and Solo to get your overall volume.

FWIW I dont have a GMajor myself, but this setup seems to work well for just about anything.
thanx for some input man. I also discovered at high volumes running delays like I am you HAVE to have the noise gate on you it feeds back like a MOFO. Got her sounding pretty good.

I have the mix all the way up and send about about 1:00
If you set the kill dry on you must set fx level with the recto mix pot or use a line mixer and mod the fx loop to serial.

with the serial mod on the DR, you'll still have a bit of sound that goes through because of the V5 tube. I have tested that with a french tech here, and he conclued that there a pissing through VA and VB because it's the same tube that is used for send and return.
I have seen some guys post about a harmonic type of squeal when using the gmajor in the loop with delay. Using a little of the noise gate completely cleaned this up and allows you to turn up the output on the gmajor to get rid of the volume drop. I am not using killdry and have the mix up as far as it will go. When the amp is cranked up the bleed is barley there anyway so I'm not quite sure where the big phasing problem comes in.
How come I only hear chorus taking effect in the delay? The original sound is completely dry... I`m having G-Major in the parallel loop of 3ch Dual Recto. I guess the mix levels in the loop are wrong? I have an older version of G-Major (1.11) so there`s no killdry-feature available. How could I solve this problem? Any advice would be appreciated! :)
You know i used to have a huge problem with my g force sucking huge amounts of tone and sounded suck *** with my Roadking.

So i did a factory reset which doesn't delete patches made, but rather the general settings. Cleared it right up.

100% transparenty in a serial loop (never needed to try it in the Roadie's parallel after the reset).

I think the previous owner had overwritten global input filters and other parameteres that were playing havoc with my unit.

All is better, so perhaps try this? (remember the manual give details on the various types of reset you can do)

Thanks guys! :) I`m having some serious problems with the installation procedure. The installation stalls at some point and G-Major just freezes and finally says: "Download error 9"... Dunno what`s the problem. I`m using M-Audio FW1814 as my interface.

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