Dual Rec Tube Pops

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Feb 24, 2006
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A couple of months ago I bought a Dual Rec, but for a long time I've been trying to find the sound I want. Here recently I've started playing with each channel's master and I've found that I can find a great sound by cranking the master way up on the individual channel.

My problem is, that today I was going to record some stuff and had unhooked my cab. I was playing through nothing but the head with just my normal settings and found that I could hear what I was playing throught the tubes, but it sounded way funny (obviously). Then while I was playing, still amazed at what I was hearing, one of the tubes pops and a white spark (I guess it was really an arc) shoots out.

All of my tubes are still glowing, and everything looks fine, but I need to know if me turning up the master really high is harming the amp, and if it is normal to hear things like that out of these tubes. Thanks.
You could be in for some serious damage by not running a load on your head while playing through it! It's a major no-no with tube amps! Are you getting anything out of it with the cab plugged back in?
Well shoot! I would have loved it if someone had told me that a long time ago! Which this is the first time I've ever played it without a cab, but still.

And yes, everything sounds fine with the cab plugged back in, or at least for now. I hate to see what kind of damage I've done to it now.

And alse, while we're on the subject, I want to record my amp, but without miking it. I know better than to run it out of the speaker outs, but can I record my amp direct?
WillP said:
Well shoot! I would have loved it if someone had told me that a long time ago! Which this is the first time I've ever played it without a cab, but still.

And yes, everything sounds fine with the cab plugged back in, or at least for now. I hate to see what kind of damage I've done to it now.

And alse, while we're on the subject, I want to record my amp, but without miking it. I know better than to run it out of the speaker outs, but can I record my amp direct?

Not to bust your balls but that's why your amp came with a manual..

"WARNING: Always make certain proper load is connected before operating the amplifier. Failure to do so could pose a shock hazard and may result in damage to the amplifier."

first page :\

Hope everything works out for you
Woo...you're lucky you didn't detonate that amp like a hand grenade!

I'm sorry dooood....I gotta agree with Platypus...it's in the manual. Read that (sometimes boring) sucker cover to cover.

I hope all turns out well and you did no lasting damage.

I agreee....definitely a must know with any tube amp.....hope it's all fine. Maybe you should get it checked by a tech?
Yeah, I've done that too with my Old Deluxe too...... I tried recording like that and even listening to it with headphones like that and even hooked it up to my Sound-design home stereo speaker when I was 13 to make it louder.

I did a lot of crap to that amp and it's still going strong today, but I also did it to my step-dads old Harmony tube amp and when I gave it back to him later that week, it didn't work anymore (I fried it). So I think (I hope) you'll probably be OK if it still powers up and doesn't make any weired noises, but it might not be a bad idea to get it checked when you get a few extra $$$$'s.
And alse, while we're on the subject, I want to record my amp, but without miking it. I know better than to run it out of the speaker outs, but can I record my amp direct?

To answer that question, there are some attenuaters that puts a dummy load on your amp let you do a direct out, but I'm not sure which one. You might Google it and see what you get.
Thanks for the recording tips.

Oh yeah, and thanks for making me feel like an idiot.
I dont think that any of the guys meant to make you feel like an idiot. But they are right, you should have read the manual.