Dual Rec Tremoverb Combo - knob issues, help!

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Active member
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Poughkeepsie, NY
Hi All, this is my first post.

I recently acquired a used Tremoverb Combo in fine condition. It's worked well for a week but just yesterday at practice, I noticed my Orange Channel Gain is out of whack. My clean channel sounds like a gain channel and the vintage high gain sounds very low in volume in comparison to the "clean" at the same settings. My Gain knob cuts in and out and seems loose in the chassis.

Would opening the chassis to check the connection on the gain pot be advised? Or is this a "tech" issue that needs to be repaired without question?

In addition, the reverb knobs are not smooth in adjustment. It seems as if they're either full on reverb, or dry. Any thoughts?

Is this an issue that a Mesa only super certified person can resolve? Or can a local amp tech handle a couple of pot swaps, if needed?

MANY thanks.
I would definitely check the connections on your gain pot, this is a very common thing for them to be knocked loose. Make sure the soldering on the pots is intact at all 3 places, that is most likely your issue.
I did make sure that wasn't causing it. I actually like putting vintage on the red channel to switch between that and clean. The thing is it's got my clean channel sounding like a high gain clean, a "dirty clean", but nothing like the high gain channels. When I flip the switch on the orange channel from "clean" to vintage, the volume drops considerably, and sometimes I have to jiggle the gain knob just to get sound. That must be the problem.

I'm going to try and open it up quick tonight before my gig to see if I notice anything obvious.

My backup plan is just to run the blues channel as my clean and OD it with my backup Boss OD-2 and bite my tongue. I'd rather have the amp distortion, but I need it for two gigs this weekend.

If anyone has any other thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Thanks to the people who have helped already.
As a follow up, I returned the amp for repair as this problem now affects both channels and I have no control over gain or reverb. Used amps, gotta love em. Maybe once I have a correctly operating Tremo, I'll be happy with it....
Well after a week in the shop, it turns out they had to tighten a few pots (gain, reverb especially), resolder a few connections, and replaced all power tubes to JJ EL34 (i think actually E34L), replaced one preamp tube with a JJ (i have to double check which one).

Price? Free!

I have to chalk it up to Guitar Center. After this being my third amp (albeit used) in a week, and still having issues, I took it back disgusted, explained the problems, and the manager came through. Lent me a 2x12 Fender combo for a week for free, and paid for all necessary repairs.

Once I get to gigging her again, I'll know the real deal, but for now, sounds way better and controls actually work!