dual rec set to 50 watts...diode mode..is it really 50 watts

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Thanks mikey383..

that DOES make since after I read that ..

BTW: Cincinnati Ohio here.. lol

go Bengals I mean Bungels.. yeah right.. :lol:

No problem Rex. I wasn't trying to be a d!ck or anything, so I apologize if I came off that way in my posts.

The rectifiers are wired in parallel, so they both share the load of the power tubes...it's not like one rec tube is assigned to a certain pair of power tubes.

It's theoretically no different than using the diodes...they are rated for all 4 power tubes, but you can also use them with only 2 power tubes and it does no harm.

Try it out and see how you like it. Even with 2 power tubes and 2 rectifiers, it sounds different than using diodes, which sounds different than using 1 rec tube.

no problem on my end bro..!!! all is good in the world of amps..

now my truck and my daughters car is a different story.. I am not loving them much at the moment..!!!!

keep rockin bro..!!!

"If you don't pull one, there won't be as much sag. This is comparable to installing GZ34 rectifiers in your amp."

now that explains why my tone kicks so much ***.
im running TWO GZ34s per two KT77s.

maybe i should try out using just one of those saggy stock rectifiers (5U something) for two or even FOUR kt77s for a really super-saggy fluid liquid-lead sound? thats GOT to be a bad idea. is it safe?

btw, just teasing you with all that "son" stuff cause youre a NOOB, haha

arent we all..

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