Dual Rec popping

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Feb 3, 2007
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Hey guys, I finally took the dive and picked up a 2 channel dual rec head a couple months back and while it was on a couple days ago I heard a pretty loud pop. Afterwards it sounded fine, but every once and a while it lightly pops. Is this a tube issue im assuming? if so how do I correct it, TIA.
Are the preamp tubes something I can just pickup at any music store, or are they special mesa tubes that I have to go to a mesa dealer for? thanks.
Most good stores have them. I would urge you to stay with Groove Tubes or stock Mesa if you're concerned with maintaining the warranty.
BTW Congrats on getting the 2 channel, the tone is so much nicer !

It's a 2 channel, there is no warranty to worry about man.

But I agree, I would stick with a higher grade but any preamp tube will do, these days they're all hit or miss. :roll:

Except for Eurotubes and Doug's tubes.
Go with:
GT or mesa ECC83 or 12AX7
Thanks, I went to the guitar store and told them my issue. The tech there told me that he would have to charge $60 an hour on top of parts to find out what was wrong. He recommended that I just buy one gt12ax7m and try to find the one tube that is probably causing the issue. What do you think would be the easiest way about doing this?
replace one tube, play amp. if it pops, shut down, replace next tube in line...repeat.

don't pay the $60. I'm sure we can pinpoint the problem for you if you keep guiding us through the issues you're having.
If you chase the preamp tube basically you just swap the preamp tube with one that is already in there. You play the amp and see if the pop is still there. You repeat as necessary until you find it.

Sounds like to me that it may be another issue. When does it pop?
russ, it pops just at random times. Yesterday I had the amp on and the guitar sitting with the volume off and it would pop. generally its a small pop or 2 every 20 minutes or so.
Try the musical tube approach first but it sounds like it needs to be looked at.
I don't think it's a tube issue, to be honest.

Are you sure someone's not switching the lights on in another room or something? It's worth checking if the pops coincide with the fridge turning on :D

This can happen. It's worth taking your Recto to another place on a different electrical loop, another house etc, you might be pleasantly surprised. Some electrical appliances are turned on using relays, which cause parasitic interference in the mains loop.
Usually kitchen appliances are run on their own electrical circuit in a house as are laundry circuits. Sometimes older houses, apt's., condo's, etc. have less amperage going to them on lighter gauge wire and sometimes share duty with outlets though thus you get a slight browning when something hogs up your power like your refrigerator or washing machine like jvk said. It might be interesting to plug into another outlet somewhere else where you live or you might try a power conditioner. A power conditioner is a good idea anyway because if you go anywhere with shaky power you will be doing your amp a favor, ie. gigging.

I am thinking it might be that something rattled around in shipping or use or that a component may be failing. Little shorts can do some stupid things. Also components that are on the brink of failure can often start to give you some warning in the form of odd noises. I would say an inconsistent little pop qualifies for either of these. It still sounds like the amp needs to be benched. Be prepared for a tech to take a while finding it.

You might also try another cable too or even another guitar to try to isolate the sound before you take the amp in for service.