Dual Rec not as Heavy as it once was...

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May 7, 2007
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Hey All,

It is going on 4 years since I bought my dual rec. I have noticed that the sound from my dual rec... though still heavy... is not as Heavy Metal as it once was...

I am wondering if changing the 6l6 tubes to new tubes would give me back that new car shine?

I see nothing wrong with the tubes... It just sounds a bit muddy and not as hostile, if yall get my drift... I play heavy music in the realm of Calvalera Conspiracy, Slayer, Sepultura, Lamb of God, etc.

Any insight is much obliged?

4 years of playing heavy metal and the power tubes will be way past their best !!! The pre amp tubes will be a bit tired too. Change the power tubes first, and if it still lacks the edge, change the pre amp tubes. Try the new Boogie STR440's, much better than the STR430's I should imagine yours has in it. If that doesn't do it, it's probably hearing loss !! :lol:
Thanks for the reply...

I will definitely move to new power tubes first and keep these as a spare...

As for the Hearing Loss...


