dual rec lost all gain and volume

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Dec 1, 2012
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Played a gig with my dual rec where it was working fine. I turned it on about a week later to find channel 1 had nearly no volume, channel 2 and 3 had lost its gain. It was like the gains were at 7 o clock on chanells 2 and 3. I spoke to a tech who advised I change a preamp tube, but I decided to change them all. Still I have the same problem. Could this be a faulty power tube?
dualrec100 said:
Played a gig with my dual rec where it was working fine. I turned it on about a week later to find channel 1 had nearly no volume, channel 2 and 3 had lost its gain. It was like the gains were at 7 o clock on chanells 2 and 3. I spoke to a tech who advised I change a preamp tube, but I decided to change them all. Still I have the same problem. Could this be a faulty power tube?

Yes, there is a strong possibility your issue is related to Power Tubes. It's always best to replace the entire set of tubes, including Power Tubes after a failure.
If you've been using your amp for 2 plus years without replacing the tubes. It would be best to replace the whole set.
Replaced the power tubes and my dual rec still has nothing to it. Any ideas on what could be the problem?
Roll the pre-amps tubes around (swap sockets) and see if there is any change. I have had bad pre-amp tubes out of the box.

Also, did you change your recitifier tubes as well? Must be done when changing power tubes IMO.

If it's still fubar after that, take it to an amp tech. Have you pulled the chassis yet to see if anything is burned?