Dual Rec foot switch not working all of a sudden...

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
NS, Canada
I've been having a problem with my dual rectifier as of late. The footswitch to change channels won't work at all. I have both knobs in the back set to footswitch but its like, not even recognizing it. Anyone know what my problem might be?
Someone else was having a similar problem. I recommended some preamp tube swaps to see if that solves it.
my brother's dual rec footswitch won't let him turn the "solo" function off. i guess it likes his lead playing. heh heh. anyway, i think the cord is bad on his and i've heard of other rec. series amps having crappy cables. let us know what you find!
mackenziedeth said:
I was thinking it might be the cord. Where would I find another one exactly like this cord?
I've read about a number of such cases here where the problem turned out to be Mesa's cords. They are notoriously crappy. You'll have to search around but I think the folks who were the happiest ended up just buying a standard midi cable or something, ie, not from Mesa. But don't take my word for it, search.
Just for anyone wondering, I went out and bought a midi cable and it still isn't working. I think I'm probably gonna have to try out another pedal or something. I sure as hell hope its not the head itself.

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