DR 2 channel vs DC5

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Apr 29, 2010
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Sorry if this is not in the right forum.

So long sorry short, I got into some hot water after losing my job and had to sell my amps, all but one of my pedals, and my Orville Les Paul. So now all I have left is my Gibson SG Gothic that I bought when I was 14, a Phase 90, Boss TU2, and a Randall SS combo. Anyway, I guess I have to rebuild again and while originally I was going to do a Marshall or Laney, since I tried the JCM800 and with the Catalinbread SCOD. Still I think I can coax some good sounds out of these two amps if I tried.

My sound: Sludge/Stoner/Doom (IE: Soundgarden (Badmotorfinger era), Melvins, High On Fire, Sleep, The Hidden Hand, Place of Skulls, etc.)

I also note, I do use Fuzz/dirt boxes

DR 2 channel

-Supposedly better tone than 3 channel
-Can replace power-tubes for EL34's (Something I am fond of)
-Soundgarden used them

-Cannot find one in the state
-Supposedly sounds terrible live but sounds awesome recorded (My biggest concern)
-Reliability issues


-Similar to 50 caliber plus (i'm familiar with)
-Separate EQ's for both channels
-More friendly on wallet
-Probably a little more versatile than the DR

-Can't find one within the state
-Not changeable for EL34's
-Get snatched fairly quickly

Can anyone else recommend their views?

Should I just go for an Electra-Dyne instead?
Sounds like you might benefit from something more modern...electradyne is pretty sick from stuff ive read, havent played one myself however.
But i can vouch for the 2 Channel Rec, only thing im hearing for the first time is they sound bad in a live situation, i may have to disagree hah sounds good in recording and in the mix to me. Id look at the website http://instrument.jaxed.com that you can search ebay and craigslist for anything, you might not find one localy but may find a good deal for any of these amps you seek and can get a better idea on wallet size, and someone might be willing to ship.
Goodluck in the search.
I can only tell you about the DR but I currently have a 2 channel TR. I've used in a band situations quite a bit and I can say that it sounds great live. Although it has more power than I need.
ive had both. ill say that the DC5 is one of the most underrated amp ever. Id say a Modern voiced amp may not be for you. The DR would be best using it variac function and tube rectifier. A single rectifier would get you closer to the DC5 in price but you would lose the tube rectifier. The single can still run EL34s as youve stated you like. If you are worried about output, the singles are pretty much as stupid loud as the duals and triples.

Id go recto. probably a single. Or any model of recto will work great for your needs
Rectos are everywhere and dirt cheap these days. Oh, who says they sound terrible live? They sound jaw droppingly awesome at gig level. The fizz people oft complain about is a byproduct of low volume bedroom practice and insufficiently agitated speakers.
I've had both the DC-5 (1x12" combo) and the Tremoverb (essentially a 2-channel Dual Rectifier 2x12" combo) and used each as my main gigging amp for several years (DC-5 first, then Tremoverb) for a wide variety of music styles. I'm not familiar with the bands you list (apart from Soundgarden, and only in passing) but from your description I would say the DR is closer, straight out of the box.

But... I agree with droptrd, the DC-5 is one of the most underrated amps ever. With the graphic EQ you can easily get into Rectifier territory of scoop, and if anything it has *more* gain (yes really). It's one of the most aggressive amps Mesa ever made. The reason I changed to the Tremoverb is the opposite of what you might expect - I prefered the *low* gain, clean and light-overdrive sounds it does, it's bigger, looser and more open-sounding and can do much more vintage-like tones. The one thing the DC-5 can't do is sound like any kind of vintage amp - it's always too dark, tight and focused, even on the clean channel... which makes it a better lead amp, I think.

The DC-5 takes pedals well too, especially on the clean channel. If anything I've found the Tremoverb more fussy, although when you get the right one (my current favorite is an old Boss SD-1, which I've never even liked with any other amp!) it really does some great harmonic stuff the DC-5 never did. The DC-5 sounded great with my old RAT, but the Tremoverb only sounds good with it... if that helps. Live, the DC-5 is almost a 3 or even close to 4-channel amp if you use the EQ footswitchable instead of assigned to Lead (I think only the last DC-5s give you this option, look for a dual footswitch and no LEDs next to the input jack), whereas the Rectifier is definitely only 2-channel unless you use external pedals in front or in the loop.

Hope that helps at least a bit...
94Tremoverb said:
The reason I changed to the Tremoverb is the opposite of what you might expect - I prefered the *low* gain, clean and light-overdrive sounds it does, it's bigger, looser and more open-sounding and can do much more vintage-like tones.
My Tverb is the 4th recto ive owned but the first tremoverb. I was shocked to find out that it actually has alot less gain than the other rectos. Still has more than enuff for me though.

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