Does using casters reduce bass response?

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Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hong Kong
I have a 4x12 Rectifier Standard Straight cab and want to know if using casters will reduce the bass response. I've only ever owned combos and this is my first 4x12 so sorry for the n00b question.

From what I understand, it is better to use a 4x12 without casters because it sounds better. But does it really affect the sound that much?
I think it removes some low end because you're de-coupling the cabinet somewhat. It's actually more accurate. What's really happening is that when you put the cab on the the floor without the casters, you're creating a false low end hump.
Personal prefference. I think I get fuller sound with the cab directly on the floor or on one of those isolation mats they use for live sound. I only use casters for transport.
I don't use casters live because I stack my cabs, but I use my straight cab at home with no casters, and I use casters with my slant at practice.
Totally different rooms, different cabs=different tone.
I prefer the straight cabs over the slant. I'm about due for a new one!! :D

I think not using casters gives more bass response.
no casters equals more bass response for sure.... or at least more perceived bass response. Either way I like my combo better on the floor.
I've run cabs both ways, imo casters sounds more accurate than running one on rubber feet. when a cab is on the rubber feet it couples with the floor and the bass radiates more, hense more bass. I'm gonna be honest and say that the only reason why i always used casters with my setup is because i feel the recto has too much bass, and its way too flubby sounding. If you dont have casters look into an auralex great gramma. I run one with my isp vector/basson 4x12 3/4stack, and it definitely clears up your sound.
It also depends on how hard and plain is the floor or the place where your cab is.

You will not have the same efect on ceramic tile and in a wooden floor. You will also have a differnt response on a second floor or in a lobby or what ever...

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