Does this look like "Private Reserve" Quality to y

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
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Seller says the cabinet is a Private Reserve Quilted Maple, but the wood looks kinda plain to me. What do you guys think? I'm going with no...
No way is that quilted maple. There is some birdseye figure in places, but mainly it is plain. I have a curly maple one and the figure really stands out on photos. It's duff jen in the description.
No way, there is some quilting but most plain maple has some sign of quilting in it, even the cheaper grade. The tell tale is the knots or spalting on the side. I doubt that is a Mesa cab. Just my opinion though.
Quilted maple.
My AAA flame maple cabs should have a MUCH better pattern than this cab. Or else this redneck will be on the first plane to the west coast. I'm currently on pins and needles. :shock: :roll:
I agree. You would think a private reserve cab wouldn't have any knots in it, much less as many glaring ones as in those pictures. It is hardly quilted. In fact, the side looks like it was hit with a hammer a couple of times.

Definitely looks home built. Decent dovetailing, though.

It looks like there's one bid. I hope the buyer doesn't get scammed into a fraudulent purchase.

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