Does switching from 100 to 60 changes the tone on MK1 reiss?

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Active member
Apr 7, 2006
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Hi guys,

I am sure you gurus could perhaps help me understand this. I love my boogie amp but am a bit ignorant, when it comes to understanding some of its internal works.
My Mark I reissue has the 100/60 Watt switch as well as the tweed swtich, as you guys know.
Does switching from 100 W, to 60 W or even to Tweed (which function, I am not totally clear on, beside lowering the voltage) , only reduces the power?
Or, the million dollar question, does it somewhat change the amp tone, with everything else (front and back settings) being exactly the same?

Thank you for your answers.

The 100 watt mode gives you all the power of the amp. It should be loud, clear and tight. The 60 Watt gives you less power so it may sound warmer and allow you to turn up the master volume to get the power tubes involved with the tone. It should sound sweeter, fatter and have bit less clean headroom. The tweed takes the voltage of the preamp and power amp down to a much lower wattage. It runs lower plate voltages to the power tube and the preamp tubes. This allows you to crank the master volume and gives you the sweetest, fattest tone. It is in reality a built in variac like EVH used. It will allow you to lower the overall output of the power amp to play smaller venues and still have a great tone. IMO, the clean tones in tweed mode are superb. The have bounce and shimmer very much like an old Fender. Play around with the three and try to recognize what the audible differences are. It's like having three different amps in one to an extent as these options will help you to change the overall tone of the preamp / power amp interaction. You can get a few tips from the Mesa owners manual as well.
Thank you very much for your answer.

I will play around with the settings.
Note: Also, I just bought a power attenuator from Weber. My goal is to get close to that Santana tone (Although there are so many variables and no one can sound like him), for the music I play.So I have to push master and preamp hard, without loosing hearing, yet no use the 100W setting and keep the warm singing big tone.

Thank you!
Hi Souelle,

Thanks for the reply. I have the 100 W but the max I ever was put everything at 7:00
There was a weird smell the first 2 times I used. I emailed Mr Weber which was extremely nice and explained that is was normal for the firt time uses, since the speaker hev some kind of coating on them.
I only use it with the 60 W now, and it never smelled again.
I like so much better than the THD. Keeps the tone the same.
Dumb Question: How did you know that your was dead? Did you get it fixed?


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