digitech gsp1101 with boogie solo 50

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Jun 7, 2007
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Right, im using the four cable method. Anyone got experiance with this? Got good sounds but amp sounds a bit thin, really not much but enough to notice. Some advice on setting this up would be great. eg best output level on gsp etc. Ive got loads of questions but lets star here!

cheers my fellow boogie bashers
Some quick questions. I use the GSP with a dsl50 but I may be able to help a little.

1) Did the amp sound thin before you bought the GSP?
2) Amp Settings?
3) Where do you have the loop set? I'm assuming it's paralell.
4) What set up configuration are you using on the GSP?
5) What footswitch are you using to control it?

No experience with the 4 cable method, but curious why you would use it as the Solo 50 Series 2 only has 2 external 1/4" switching jacks.
no didn't sound thin before
amp settings quite flat bit of bass
effects loops set to 100% don't like paralel
4 cable method allows you to split the gsp so effects that supposed to be in the front are and the ones like delys etc go post pre amp, thats how the gsp is set
don't know what you mean about 1/4 " switching jacks
not sure what series the solo 50 is

I'm confused by the 4 cable method that you are describing unless it is 1 into the input of the GSP from the guitar, 1 from the GSP to the amps input, 1 from send and 1 from the return of the amp and not a "4 cable method" offered to control a 3 channel Dual Rec.

Set up 7 in the set up wizard allows you to bypass the GSP's preamp section utilizing the amps tone and bypasses the cabinet modeling and allows to use the cab's tone. You can then assign Chorus/FX to either pre or post.

If you haven't configured the set up wizard this could be the problem. I've found the effects to not change the voicing of the amp and have never heard it sound thin.

If your GSP is new and you have not updated it to version 2.0 this could also be your problem. I got mine a month ago and the firmware version was 1.3. Udating it to 2.0 corrected some issues (midi lag) and I swear improved the tone.

So how are you changing channel on the amp and controlling the GSP?

You'll know if the solo 50 is a Series 2 if it has the 5 pin footswitch in the back instead of a 1/4 jack labeled FW st on the front.
clutch71 said:
If your GSP is new and you have not updated it to version 2.0 this could also be your problem. I got mine a month ago and the firmware version was 1.3. Udating it to 2.0 corrected some issues (midi lag) and I swear improved the tone.
Yours must have been on the shelf for a while because mine is also a month old and came with version 2 software already loaded.
Yeah i might be a bit confuddled im using setup 7 on the gsp thought this was the 4 cable thingy. I haven't got a footswitch for the gsp at the mo so some knob twiddling for changes. Changing amp channels with the boogie footswitch.

Can you run me through how to update the gsp, mines ver 1.2, which is pretty old from what your saying.

Cheers again clutch
If you have created any custom presets, back them up by connecting the usb cable from the GSP to a computer. When you update the GSP it will automatically do a factory reset and you'll lose anything you created. Then unhook the USB cable from your PC. Then...

1) go to digitech.com
2) go to support
3) select GSP1101
4) select your operating system
5) click on GSP updater and download the file to your PC
6) Check you version of X-edit and thin click on Download XEdit2 and if it is not the current version I suggest you update that as well.

Now you can hook the USB back to your PC and GSP and click on the GSP updater file you downloaded and it will do the rest.

Note: Always make sure when you are hooked to an amp while editing presets with the GSP from a computer that you have the sound on your PC muted. I had a couple of error messages pop up and it came through the amp really loud. Scared the sh!t out of me.

Couple of quick observations about footswitches. The control 2 will not change channel on the amp.

When hooked to a non-digitech footswitch (I use a Roland FC300) and the GSP is connected to a computer via USB for working with the X-Edit software, I've noticed that rocking volume/wah pedals will turn other effects on or off. Kind of annoying until I realized that if you unhook the USB cable this stops.
As was all ready said setup is real important with this unit and very easy to make a mistake.

So I’m going to assume you got that and go on to other stuff. My first question is what cables are you using are they of high quality? Next how long are the cable runs, really just concerned with (GSP > Amp INPUT) (Preamp OUT > GSP IN)(GSP> Power Amp IN). Even good cables if the runs are long you will notice a bit of a difference with your tone. Come to think of it take a 25’ cord and plug it into your effects loop with no processor in between, bet you will hear a little difference.

Next question, when you say.
TractorTom said:
Got good sounds but amp sounds a bit thin, really not much but enough to notice.
Let’s put it like this: first I know you hear a difference but you are probably sitting in front of the amp A/B ing the processor in and out. If you walked into a room with your amp but could not see the amp and I set it up, do you still think you could tell the difference. I ask this because when sitting in front and A/B ing you will most likely hear some difference (just cause of cabling alone).

Now on to your loop, so you have a parallel loop and you have it cranked to 100% in theory now a series, cool!
Try some experiments it may not solve your problems and give you a perfect world but if you understand what is the week link you can work around to some degree.
Try this: plug guitar straight into the amp for now.
How does this alter the tone?

Next go to the effects level on the GSP and turn it to “0”, then play the guitar a bit while turning your loop mix on the amp back and forth from 0-100 do it on a clean channel.

How does this alter the tone? (I kind of think this will be the problem area)

If this is the problem area try a straight cable in the loop. And do the same thing as above. For this experiment use the same length of cable or better so if you used two 5’ to link in the processor use a 10’ or better cable

How does this alter the tone?

If the loop being maxed at 100% is what is altering your tone more so than the processor or the cabling you will have to set up for parallel use.

Above I had kind of suggested your tone loss might be the loop I’m only thinking this because I have heard of people with parallel loops having the amp modded to series. A complaint of just cranking the mix 100% just does not cut it for some people. Key word here being “some”
Cheers thats got me thinking and tinkering, which leads nicely to the next question. On page 45 of owners manual type of loop, i've been usuing option 2 external preamp, but thought option 3 more interesting int/ext, only when i switch to this all i seem to be able to use is external, and internal becomes unselectable. Maybe im reading it wrong, in case u haven't got manual this is what it says:

"This option configures the loop to work with both an external preamp source (my boogie) and the internal gsp1101 amp/preamp models. This option lets you switch between internal and external preamp sources and program them on a preset basis."

I can't get it to do it.

Cheers again i'll probably have a s!%$t load more questions as i get to play with it more.

Oh the update went well and yes there is a noticable difference.

Cheers peeps
I can get the internal/external preamp, again check your setup. Are you programming from the front of the unit or using a computer. If you can use a computer you can see everything in front of you. I find it so easy to make a configuration error with this unit, but there again it does do allot.

I forgot to mention as far as your tone loss something you can do which might help a bit is, for lack of a better term (balance the processor into your setup), what do I mean. Well want to make the processor neutral as possible. Make sure the cab simulators and all effects are off you also want to be using the amps preamp also turn the effects level down to zero. Get out the foot switch for your amp select the clean channel and play a bit while you’re doing this kick the loop in and out and adjust the “preset level” on the 1101, the idea is while kicking the loop on and off not to hear any volume changes, basically even as possible. You might even prefer it a little hotter. The magic number for my amp seems to be 65 it will probably be different for yours.
It just always good to have a neutral starting point.

Wow thanks for that! had some time to play last night and i seem to have sorted out most of the issues i had.

Cheers guys

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