Digitech GSP1101 OUTSTANDING!!

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A question for you! How do you like that Axe Trak?? I have been considering one of these for a while.[/quote]

So far so good but, I haven't recorded with it yet. What I've heard in
my headphones sounds like a close miced cab. Good or bad? I would say
good however, I like the sound from the room too. But, I will find good use in situation's when i need to be quet. If you need to record do to your neighbors then something like this would work great but, I don't believe you will have the same flexibility as micing the cab in a good room. I don't really care for a close mic'd cab too much, it depends. I like it to sound like it does in front of me. You don't listen to it with your ears right up to the speaker,so why would you mic it this way? I try to mic thing where they sound musical and pleasant to me with space.This to me gives you your dimension.Any more I like the ribbon's mostly out in front of the amp till it sounds the way it does in front of me.(2 to 3 ft. out) this sounds natural.Sometimes I combine for a certain effect.
Just my opinion.
For me the AXE TRax will work when the baby is sleeping then I'll
Reamp later if needed.

Sorry for the long.....

Hey, I am not sure how much you read of this thread but the GSP adds a decent amount of noise to the front of the Triaxis and is the reason why I still don't have my Triaxis now. The GSP will probably work better with your lonestar than the TA. The GSP adds noise to my Mark IV but nowhere near as bad as with the TA. It is very noticable when mic'ing up on stage and caused our sound guy to point out that my rig was unusually noisy. I didn't want to give up the GSP functionality so I compromised with using the Mark IV head (not really a compromise but I was more used to the TA after owning one for over a year).

I had the same setup as you (TA and 20/20) but the only way to get everything quiet would be to plug your guitar straight into the TA bypassing half of the effects capabilities of the GSP and rendering the modeling option useless.

If you give the GSP a fair evaluation and make sure your settings are right I think you will be very pleased. The tone options are limitless especially if you combine the GSP with your existing amp.


I will see how it works out when I get it. If it's noisy it will be what I give up. I for one like my Triaxis. I can't return it like I can the Effects. I was hoping to get some serious T.C. stuff for one the 2290 but, I can't
afford it.I hope it works ,I am using this in a studio not live.
For the little gigs I do I use an old gt6 into the board. For recording
I want my own tones.I'm not much for modeling amps period. I need to have tubes. I want to use only for the fx.
I like it better. My bass player has the X3 and he freaked when he heard the GSP - a he's a total Line 6 slut.
Anomaly said:
How does Digitech compared against Line 6 X3? Better, Worse or Same?

I have tried the X3 but not really that impressed, I have a POD and a POD XT Live so I was looking into upgrading but decided against it. It also depends what you want to do, if you want to use it for just effects with your amp I would go for the 1101. Just sounds great and true to the amp.

If you want a unit for the amp & speaker models (for those 2:00 AM recordings) the X3 has way more bells and buzzers. The X3 can also run two amp sims (including effects) at the same time and pan any way you choose. The X3 does have improved converters compared to the XT. Personally I believe as do others the X3 is basically a (XT) X 2 no real innovation as far as modeling.

The 1101 does not has as many amp & speaker models but I like the sound and feel of some of them compared to a POD, but you can’t tweak the 1101 models as much like microphone and microphone placement. Some will disagree (tone is subjective).

WARNING If you are considering an X3 Live! Go over to the Line 6 forum allot of people are having problems with these units lots of switch problems pedal problems, programs switching without the users request, well you will get the idea right down to this thread.
As far as modeled amps/speakers go..

I just can't live without the tubes..or speakers! Sorry. There is something
going on with them that can't be emulated completely. Same with speakers,
hell, they physically move air! You can't move air with electronics, sorry I don't believe it's possible. A synth(sampled0 guitar will never sound as true as a real string instrument, it(real) reacts to your playing differently ever time you play it.
(sampled/modeled)You end up with the same samples over and over again. It' limited! Not open minded?you say,I've tried both and to me there is nothing like the real thing baby!(as the song goes). (.)
Oh.. I sold the Lonestar.. (loved it but don't need both amps)
Just curious.. How is the G-force compare to this in terms of Effects?
Not the bells and whistles or routing. Can it do 2290 and 1210(I think it's that)? If it can do 2290/1210. I think i might pass on the 1101. I also just bought a PCM 81 for post.(verbs)
trevort said:
As far as modeled amps/speakers go..

I just can't live without the tubes..or speakers! Sorry. There is something
going on with them that can't be emulated completely. Same with speakers,
hell, they physically move air! You can't move air with electronics, sorry I don't believe it's possible. A synth(sampled0 guitar will never sound as true as a real string instrument, it(real) reacts to your playing differently ever time you play it.
(sampled/modeled)You end up with the same samples over and over again. It' limited! Not open minded?you say,I've tried both and to me there is nothing like the real thing baby!(as the song goes). (.)
Oh.. I sold the Lonestar.. (loved it but don't need both amps)

Me too as far as tubes and speakers don’t let my little review on modeling fool you. I’m a tube and speaker guy also!! But living in an apartment sometimes forced to lay down tracks with modelers some sound pretty good (like the 1101) but give me the microphone and speaker any day!

But since I’m forced to do this I’m always on the lookout for new and different technology to assist, but there is nothing like the real deal. Maybe someday there will, but today is not that day.
Luckily, I live in the country. But, I've got a little one now
so,sometimes I need the quiet. I did buy a AXE TRax for that purpose.
It's a isolated mic/cab.But, it's only close mic'd.I like a little space.
You might check one of these out. www.jlhproducts.com/axetrak/
trevort said:
Luckily, I live in the country. But, I've got a little one now
so,sometimes I need the quiet. I did buy a AXE TRax for that purpose.
It's a isolated mic/cab.But, it's only close mic'd.I like a little space.
You might check one of these out. www.jlhproducts.com/axetrak/

Just ordered one, I have to try one.
6L6C said:
trevort said:
Luckily, I live in the country. But, I've got a little one now
so,sometimes I need the quiet. I did buy a AXE TRax for that purpose.
It's a isolated mic/cab.But, it's only close mic'd.I like a little space.
You might check one of these out. www.jlhproducts.com/axetrak/

Just ordered one, I have to try one.

Congrats! Let me know how you like it. I know they have a 5 day return policy FYI.
anyone know how this stacks up to an eventide (probably a stupid question)? i'm really looking to hold out for an eclipse but with the digite ch 1/4 the price this looks tempting..... i'll probably hold out for an eventide because of the harmonizer and spacey verbs and delays not heard in any units outside the fractal axe-fx
trevort said:
Just curious.. How is the G-force compare to this in terms of Effects?
Not the bells and whistles or routing. Can it do 2290 and 1210(I think it's that)? If it can do 2290/1210. I think i might pass on the 1101. I also just bought a PCM 81 for post.(verbs)

Any takers on this question?
Thanks! :lol:
jdurso said:
anyone know how this stacks up to an eventide (probably a stupid question)? i'm really looking to hold out for an eclipse but with the digite ch 1/4 the price this looks tempting..... i'll probably hold out for an eventide because of the harmonizer and spacey verbs and delays not heard in any units outside the fractal axe-fx

jdurso said:
anyone know how this stacks up to an eventide (probably a stupid question)? i'm really looking to hold out for an eclipse but with the digite ch 1/4 the price this looks tempting..... i'll probably hold out for an eventide because of the harmonizer and spacey verbs and delays not heard in any units outside the fractal axe-fx
The 1101 does have an intelligent harmonizer which sounds pretty good. BUT (bang for the buck good) and let’s face it Eventide is known for its harmonizer.

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part
6L6C said:
jdurso said:
anyone know how this stacks up to an eventide (probably a stupid question)? i'm really looking to hold out for an eclipse but with the digite ch 1/4 the price this looks tempting..... i'll probably hold out for an eventide because of the harmonizer and spacey verbs and delays not heard in any units outside the fractal axe-fx

jdurso said:
anyone know how this stacks up to an eventide (probably a stupid question)? i'm really looking to hold out for an eclipse but with the digite ch 1/4 the price this looks tempting..... i'll probably hold out for an eventide because of the harmonizer and spacey verbs and delays not heard in any units outside the fractal axe-fx
The 1101 does have an intelligent harmonizer which sounds pretty good. BUT (bang for the buck good) and let’s face it Eventide is known for its harmonizer.

Sounds like wishful thinking on your part

haha... yeah probably is wishful thinking.... i mean i dont expect anything otuside of an evetide to sound like an eventide (although the axefx comes close).... what i love about the eventides is that they're relatively transparent (unless you use a ridiculously fx ridden patch) and the digital sound that is usually associated to a digital unit actually adds some nice flavor.... i think i might give the digitech a spin before i become dead set on an evetide
So, I received the 1101 yesterday and well, I don't get it?
I really don't see the excitement about this unit. No offense to it's owners
but, It sounds really sterile to me. It also took over my sound a bit
more than expected due to the reviews. I couldn't justify using it for
post effects due to the extreme noise in 4 cable pre amp/amp mode.
Just awful. As for modeling,I'm just not a fan. I know it sounds like no matter what, I don't like it, But not true. I think I've tried just about everything
owned much and it just doesn't compare to the real deal! Period.
My Triaxis blows it out of the water in my opinion.
Sorry, It seems like every time you turn around it's the new improved,
sounds more realistic and so on and so on.
The truth is ...they are trying to emulate the real deal!
Why not use .. the real deal.You don't hear the real amp makers
trying to make there real amps sound more real!
Why imitate when you can have it!.................. real. baby!
Trevor :lol:
I just wanted to say that, as much as I love the GSP, I totally agree on most of your points. I LOVE tubes and tube amps as well. I also consider ALL modeling to be a simulation of the real thing. I just find the GSP to be the best anywhere near its price range and a very useful tool for the live gigging musician. Nothing is perfect, including the GSP, but it's pretty darn cool. I use my LSC preamp for 80+% of my live tones, and nothing will change that anytime soon.

I basically bought the GSP/Control2 to replace my boutique stomp boxes and digital FX and it's been absolutely incredible for that application. (Faster setup, less stage space, cleaner look, more consistancy in tone gig to gig, etc. )

Also, I have never had ANY of the noise issues using the 4CM with several of my amps, including a high-gain Dual Recto. (My thoughts are that most are getting a 60Hz ground loop hum that can easily be eliminated, and can occur with any combination of pro or consumer gear. I have a very early GSP, and it's been great from day one.) My other feeling is that some players use so much front-end gain and distortion that noise is just part of the package.

I have owned 2 completely separate Triaxis/2:90 rigs over the years and ended up finding it to be kind of noisy and sterile both times, expecially considering the amount of $$ I put into them. Perfect for some, just not for me. :oops:

Tone is subjective and everyone hears things differently. Use what works for you. The beauty of the modern mega-retailer is that we can all spend a few bucks to try gear out and send it back if it isn't workable for our situation.

Rock on!
Yeh, The 60hz hum was terrible. I couldn't get it to go.
I even used a hum eliminator.
So, I sent it back pretty fast, I wasn't going to put alot of time in it.
Even still I found it to make the Triaxis tone sound too digital.
I've decided for now not to use effects for recording(use post) as I haven't in the past.I bought a Lexicon PCM 81 for post.
The only thing I miss is the tube spring I had in my Lonestar.
I still have at the moment because the guy that bought it on Ebay hasn' paid yet so who knows if that'll sell. I might try here later if it doesn't.Actually,
I only use for recording at the moment. Triaxis steral?
The one that turned my on to this is Ian Bairnson (Alan Parson's project),
I know it's not a household name but,I love some of the tones he gets
and it's all Triaxis.(except pre 80's) He's got a site explaining his set up.
No offense to anyone here. Just not my cup of tea.
Trevor :wink:
NO offense taken man!!
The beauty of the modern age is that we ALL have the opportunity to find the gear that sparks our muse.

trevort said:
Yeh, The 60hz hum was terrible. I couldn't get it to go.
I even used a hum eliminator.
So, I sent it back pretty fast, I wasn't going to put alot of time in it.
Even still I found it to make the Triaxis tone sound too digital.
I've decided for now not to use effects for recording(use post) as I haven't in the past.I bought a Lexicon PCM 81 for post.
The only thing I miss is the tube spring I had in my Lonestar.
I still have at the moment because the guy that bought it on Ebay hasn' paid yet so who knows if that'll sell. I might try here later if it doesn't.Actually,
I only use for recording at the moment. Triaxis steral?
The one that turned my on to this is Ian Bairnson (Alan Parson's project),
I know it's not a household name but,I love some of the tones he gets
and it's all Triaxis.(except pre 80's) He's got a site explaining his set up.
No offense to anyone here. Just not my cup of tea.
Trevor :wink:

Yeah man like i said earlier the triaxis and GSP don't go together. I have been through exactly what you went through with the GSP. I found a few settings that made all the difference in the world. These same settings effect the modeling preamp sounds (completely kills the treble response IMO).

I am not trying to sell you on the GSP AGAIN but your short experience probably wasn't enough to fully make a decision. Then again, this stuff is not for everybody.


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