Digitech Bad Monkey vs Maxon OD808

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2005
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Leeds, England
I'm using the Digitech pedal to tighten up my Dual Rec and it sounds great, will I hear much of an improvement if I upgrade to the Maxon?

I originally bought the Bad Monkey as an inexpensive experiment to see if I actually liked the sound of my amp with an OD pedal, well it turns out I love it and now I'm looking to upgrade and would like to know if you guys think there'll be a big difference between the two. Thanks!
i use to run an OD-808 in front of my Dual Recto when i had it. it sounded amazing. i have tried different OD pedals with various amps. and the one that i stuck with was a BYOC Screamer.

but now.....that collects dust. now that i am using a MXR M-108 10-band EQ, i dont think about trying OD pedals
same hear dont find the need for a od anymore my boss eq-20 it does all that and more
don't waste your money(I did) I have the BM too, I thought I'd upgrade (tried a bunch of keeley and Xotic, OCD, and more) The BM is the one but, people don't want to belieave it. IMHO save your money, maybe buy another BM and set them up differently (that's what I did)
Wow I wasn't sure if I'd even see one person say they preferred the BM to the Maxon, although I believe the OD9 does sound a little different to the 808. Thanks for the replies so far...
i used a bad monkey for a while and picked up an Ibanez ts-808 reissue because i found a screamin deal on it and while it was cool for keepin the tightness of my 5150 in check, overall the BM just plain sounds better, and is back on my board. :roll: it still doesn't make sense but i just listened to my ears and followed through. :wink: bad monks FTW
Ive got them both. there is a difference but.......it is small. the maxon seems more transparent then the bad monkey. the od-808 does nt change the sound so much.
The Bad Monkey is a bad *** pedal. It is really great in front of my DR. I waited 2 years for an Analogman King of Tone pedal and what do I use ? A BM pedal I paid $39.95 for at GC.
people don't belieave it but the BM is a great pedal. I didn't belieave it either but, for $39 it was to cheap not to try out (I've lost a ton of cash on high priced pedals). Like I said before, I got two, it's a pretty good booster too.
The bad monkey is the most underrated pedal in the 'tube screamer' world.
I'll go on the record here since I've had both pedals. The Bad Monkey I had must have been a BAD ONE because I never got it to sound good. It sounded like an EQ pedal with all the EQ sliders pulled to negative ten. My Maxon OD808 on the other hand kills. It's so awesome such warm creamy overdrive, it goes beyond words. So I guess your mileage may vary. I personally would like to hear a good sounding Bad Monkey because from my horrible personal experience I really have a hard time believing that any bad monkey could sound good.
About a year and a half ago I picked up a Monkey and it's big brother the Hot Head. Both sound pretty good but tend to be a little dark in my Mesa amps. They work great in my Fender's. That being said, I picked up an OCD and a Xotic RC and the combination of those two sound great in all of my amps.
I think $49 bucks for the BM says it all, take the plunge and at least try the BM before you dump hundreds on the big names. I went through OCD, Xotic AC, Keeley TSDX12 before I p/u the BM.
I use this Bad Monkey on my clean channel If in need some breakup in that channel, I have had it on my ever shrinking pedal board for a year now, Also a good pedal to have when you need that extra sustain, For $49 you can't go wrong with this one,Its a no brainer !! Save some cash get the Bad MONKEY !!!!!!!!!