difference between Vintage 30's and G12t75's

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
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so I'm not super happy with the sound of my cab for lead playing. It's a Marshall 1960 with the Celestion G12t75's. I've thought about switching to a cab with Vintage 30's.

Well today I was looking at the celestion website and it give a diagram of the frequencies both speakers have and honestly...they aren't much different. I was always under the impression that Vintage 30's had a nice mid range sound and g12t75's were scooped with big bass and treble. I've only played on a cab with Vintage 30's for a little at my buddies house. Other than that I've always had G12t75's.

here is the link for the G12t75


and here is the one for the Vintage 30


Now there are some difference in the chart but they are pretty close to my eyes.

Can anyone enlighten me to the real difference in these speakers?

And also can anyone give some good suggestions of speakers? I play hard rock and metal so these two speakers are really the most common for that stuff.
What's your amp anyway? Despite what the charts may look like, there's a definite difference between them. The G12T-75s are devoid of mid range, which some might like, but with some settings can result in you getting lost in the mix. OTOH, the V30 is full of mid-range, so much so that it might give you ear fatigue. The uberschall cab employs both types in an x-pattern. Try it on your cab, you may like it, coz it blends the two characters into one.
I'm using a Peavey 5150. I'm thinking about doing the x-pattern. LIke you said, it would blend the two. I never thought about the whole fatigue with the V30's.

Thanks for the advice.
Do you understand how to read those diagrams? There is a 3 to 8(?) dB difference between 400hz and 1100hz.
No I guess I don't know how to read those diagrams. They look to my eyes to be very close though. I guess I just don't know what I'm talking about like you do
I ripped-off Bogner's Ubercab with my Recto Oversised cab, as I have the 75s and V30s in an X configuration, and it sounds way better now. I would never have a cab of all 75s as they are very sterile sounding, whereas the V30 has much more mid and bottom end. Blended with the 75 makes for an excellent combination, but if you're think of switching altogether, a cab loaded with V30s would be my choice over your current set-up.
I have never heard anyone complain of ear fatigue due to V30's and completely dismiss the idea
Thanks for all of the opinions guys. I think I'm going to try the X configuration of the G12T75's and the Vintage 30's.

Is the Uberschall cab the only cab that comes with that configuration?

I know I can get avatar to build one like that

or I might just buy two vintage 30's and put them in my marshall cab.
i never experienced ear fatigue from my hellatone 60s...with are vintage 30s. not even a little bit.
my old speakers however (cele G1270m) used to give mew a headache
Let me ask this: say I have a 2x12 cab, half open back and I have a V30 and a G12, which is better suited for the bottom (closed back) and which would go in the upper spot (open back)? I'm interested in this combo for my Stiletto Deuce.
Turumbar82 said:
Thanks for all of the opinions guys. I think I'm going to try the X configuration of the G12T75's and the Vintage 30's.

Is the Uberschall cab the only cab that comes with that configuration?

I know I can get avatar to build one like that

or I might just buy two vintage 30's and put them in my marshall cab.
Nice choice :)
As far as I'm aware, only Bogner do that as a standard set-up. Not being a fan of Marshall cabs I'd go for the Bogner, or as you say, have Avatar make one.
Using an older 2x12 boogie cab w/ my Mark4, the v30's (acutally hellatones) was WAY too harsh in the upper-mids. I replaced them w/ t-75's from my marshall cab for a gig last week and they sounded a LOT better. I just installed some t-100's tonight and I'll get a chance to break them in tomorrow ;)
Turumbar82 said:
or I might just buy two vintage 30's and put them in my marshall cab.

That`s what I did, and it sounded much better to my ears than 4 V30`s (I had a Rivera K412)
kinda forgot about this thread but....

the g12t-100's sound really amazing. more alive and tighter bass than the 75's and w/o the ice-pick upper mids of the v30's. if you like the overall celestion sound, I seriously recommend these...

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