DC5 Rehouse

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Apr 1, 2014
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Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm on my second DC5 now. Sold the first, instantly regretted it, and bought another as soon as I could find one. The only problem I've had is that I like my amps to make a bit more of a physical statement on stage, you know?

So I decided to take the amp out of the combo cab, and build a headshell for it and find a speaker cab to suit. I've never done any form of woodworking before, or tolexing, or pretty much anything, so it was a bit of a self-challenge.

So, brief photo essay follows, apologies for number of photos etc. Here we go....

First up, here's the first DC5 I had, the second one was the same, except it was UK voltage so didn't have the external transformer. I haven't got a pic of the second one that I used as a donor for the project but, well, it's the same as this:

Here's the cab I found. It's a 4x10 Laney. Quite unusual in that two of the speakers are in a closed back enclosure and the other two are left open. Best of both worlds. Came with Celestion GT10E-30 speakers, but I'll probably swap them out when I decide what to put in there :)


Then I chopped up an old desk that I had to make the basics of the headshell. All pretty much done on the fly with a chopsaw, a handheld router, a ruler and a handheld drill to make the holes for the dowels that hold it all together :)


Here's the dodgy dowel holes:

I made a ledge along the internal sides so that the amp won't dive to the bottom of the cab if the retaining bolts give way. Also makes it a lot lot easier to get the amp in and out:

Apologies for the preceding HUGE picture of a can of glue. Not even remotely interesting.

I ummed and ahhed about what colour scheme to go for, and I thought it would be nice to stick with something a bit traditional. Retro even.

Apologies again for the number of posts & pics, and also the shoddy quality of the photos. Camera phone is pants.

Anyways, thats about it. Took a weekend, and it was a whole load easier than I thought. Give it a go sometime.

Love and peas all,
Markeebee x

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