DC5 Head - Can I narrow the gain difference between channels

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Jan 18, 2007
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Hey Guys

Can I ask for some advice about pre-amp tubes. The one thing I don't like about my Boogie DC5 is the huge difference in gain between the rhythm and lead channels. I would like a bit more gain in the rhythm channel to give a more crunchy breakup (there is the pull boost option but I find it really harsh and it loses the nice clean tones) and also less gain in the lead channel for more of a bluesy solo sound rather than the full on Metallica type sound which the lead channel seems to give at even moderate gain settings.

As there are seperate sets of pre-amp tubes, is there suggest a way I can tailor the sound more to my requirements. At the moment I use a Fulldrive type pedal with boost on the rhythm channel and don't use the lead channel much. I also find the lead channel sounds pretty mushy unless you really crank the Master volume by which time is is way too loud even in band practice. I play mostly classic rock and a bit of bluesy stuff so like the edge of breakup type tone that is the one thing my old 100 watt Superlead Marshall does really well, but I was hoping for a bit more flexibility from the Boogie !.
Well, the DC is made for a lot of distoriton in the lead mode, but you could try to put 12at7's in the lead channels gain stages.

How to get more gain from teh rhythm, I don't know. :(
I've got a DC5 Combo and I did the opposite: lowered the gain in my rhythm channel to "soften" the edges and "round-out" the tone ...mostly for my single-coil pups. I placed a 5751 in the V4 spot and I LOVE it! You could try a 5751 (70% of an AX7) or a 12AT7 (60%) in the V2 and/or V3 spots (I think I got the preamp positions right ...working off my aging memory here) which will tame your Lead mode. Do it in one or the other of these two preamp positions, or in both; no substitute for trial and error to figure out which combo will sound best to you. FWIW, I love the results I got.

As for more gain in the Rhythm channel, you can ask a good tube vendor for which tubes can help you achieve the most gain (KCA Tubes is awesome ...Mike is very knowledgable/experienced and can even give you Boogie-specific recommendations).

If you're looking for bluesy edge-of-breakup, though, you're not going to get that from Ch2. The Lead channel is for varying degrees of OD, to be sure, but not designed for mild clip --I tried it for that and hated it. Save Ch2 for real crunch. I have found that dialing back the gain on Ch 2 can get me a more open, less-saturated OD that can easily cover classic rock. I have no problems covering light breakup and crunchy blues from Ch 1. Simply bring up the gain (I learned I can't stand the pull boost). I can go from clean to crunch simply by varying my attack, depending on your guitar and pups, of course. Or if you want even more veratility, you can always set the Ch1 gain low for pristine cleans, and use your stompbox for just the right amount of hair around the edges. Hope this helps you :)

Thanks for the advice. I've ordered a pair of JJ6L6's from Eurotubes to replace the "cardboard" Sovteks so I'll invest in a 12 AT7 as well and see what happens !.
I recommend picking up a good OD pedal instead. I use a Barber Direct Drive with my DC-10 Head and it works excellent! I now have killer cleans, a great light crunch with the Barber on Channel 1, nice rock tone on channel 2 and an awesome saturated heavy rhythm / lead tone with the barber on Channel 2. The Barber Direct Drive is pretty transparent and is the only OD that I have found that works well on both channels of my amp. I picked it up for $100!
zvex super hard on. that pedal is AMAZING. its totally clean, transparent gain boost. will provide no distortion really, just boost gain. absolutely awesome
I do get some good tones with my Siggydrive. Basically a handmade Fulldrive 2 clone but with a switch for asymmetrical/symmetrical clip or clean boost plus a flat mids switch. Otherwise it has the same four knobs and two footswitches as the Fulldrive but in a smaller box. The guy is based in Germany and sells them on eBay. Also have a MXR Microamp for a straight clean boost so I do have plenty of options at my feet. I guess I should just keep the lead channel for the heavier stuff !.
put 12at7's in the lead gain stages, dial in the dirt clean that your looking for, and use a clean boost (like the hardon) do give you the lower gain tube drive you want. the bonus to the hardon is all the jokes.

"get your hands off my hard on!"

"wow I really like your hard on!"

"my girlfriend really likes the hard on!"

and so on and so forth......
oh, and you want to dial in that dirt clean on the LEAD channel not the clean channel. and also, a volume pedal comes in handy......

"hey dude, let me see your hard on"