DC3 amp or guitar issue??

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2005
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Played an outdoor gig with my DC3 today.. (awsome 6000 watt PA support) but i couldn't turn my amp past 2.5 without my '75 tele deluxe humbuckers howling thru my amp..It wasn't because i was too close to the amp.. I was at least 15 feet away... maybe the pickups are too hot?? I've got the amp tone on about 7, mids yanked and the bass on about 4. I tried different settings, but all i could essentially do is turn down the overall loudness of the amp. With my cheap Mex strat i can get more amp punch, I can let the amp do its magic by opening it up with the single coils and no feedback, but i sacrifice that with hum..especially in the bridge PU. Anyone else experience problems with humbukers and the DC3?? Furthermore... My DC has a lot of hum in the lead channel, even with the guitar volume off. Clean channel is absolutely quiet. I re-tubed with JJ's about 4 months ago.. and i am very pleased with the natual distortion i'm getting (except for the lead channel hum).. it happens at all venues, so i don't think it is eletrical issue due to grounding at different locations. Thoughts??
If you didn't get your tubes from Eurotubes, you could have gotten a bad one. Bob tests them before sending them out. There is always a chance that a tube can get damaged in shipping also.

I buy most of my JJ's from CE Distribution/Antique Electronics. I usually get 20-30 at a time. There are always a few bad ones in each batch.

If it were my amp, I would get a few more and swap them out. If the hum only happens in the Lead channel, this is the most likely culprit. Otherwise, if you have swapped cords, and run directly into the amp, you may have to visit the tech. I had a bad ground loop in my DC-3's footswitching circuit that only showed up on my Lead channel. I had created it myself when I set the amp up to have the EQ switched from the front footswitch jack. This works really well now that I deleted the Ground Loop. :D