DC-5 Level Fluctuation

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Jul 25, 2008
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My DC-5 level kind of comes in and out slightly. It doesn't completely disappear or anything like that. But it is pretty annoying. I find it very difficult to explain exactly what it's doing...and it's been doing it for years. So far, when I get sick of dealing with it, I just stop playing for a while...'cause I don't know how to fix it! If anyone can help me, that would be awesome.

I've changed Powertubes several times with matching Boogie 6L6's and the problem remains.

Could it be a pre-amp tube?
Before you go too nuts, try a patch cord in the loop.
When I had the DC-5 I had this problem. The loop thing isn't that far off. Get it to a tech to check the effects loop. I didn't even use the loop but those amps are known to have the effects loop get dirty and need to be cleaned. It cost me $50 to fix and the tech knew what the problem was right away. As I said even if you dont use it it will cause volume problems. However I've owned a lot of Boogies over the years and this is the only problem I ever had!
He can save the $50 by using a patch cord. All your tech probably did was spray some contact cleaner in the jacks, then push a cable in and out a few times.
I had that problem with my DC-10. It was the FX loop jacks. I just ran a patch cable and problem solved.
Thanks for all the responses...and very interesting. There are two problems though. First, I don't have a tech that I know of anywhere nearby. And second, I am using my effects loop, so wouldn't that be the same as running a patch? I guess I should make sure I understand that you guys are suggesting that I run a cable directly from my send to my return??? Here's my setup:

Guitar-->freqbox-->wah-->compressor-->LS-2(A)-->distortion-->eq-->LS-2 (B)-->tuner-->LS-2 (Out)-->Dc5-->(loop)send-->flange-->delay-->chorus-->loopstation-->return(loop)

I hope this helps and I really appreciate the responses!! Thanks again.

What a great forum by the way...I'm really glad I found you guys!!!!

Here is where you have to start, whether you want to or not.

The fastest way to narrow it down is to remove everything.

Cabinet if not a combo

If the problem is still there, try a patch cord through the Loop.

If the problem goes away, try adding 1 thing back in at a time. This way, you can figure out if it is a bad pedal, cord, power supply, etc.

When troubleshooting your amp, always start with the most simple setup possible. This eliminates any other variables.

As for a tech, where are you located? The Mesa website has a link to most of their service centers.
okay monsta-tone...I understand where you are coming from, but I've already removed all effects, plugged straight into the Boogie's input and it's still there. So, it's definately the amp. I've used different guitars...different cables, and the whole deal. To make matters worse, the problem comes and goes. And it always seems to go when I'm trying to troubleshoot, or demonstrate it for someone else. It only shows up when I'm playing a gig, or creating/practicing alone! UHGGG!!!!!

Again, does the "patch cord through the loop," act differently than a few cords through the loop with a few pedals thrown in?
It is the place where you need to start.

As for acting different, most likely, yes. The pedals will change your tone and the amount of signal being fed back into the Return.

Use the cable between the Send and Return.
Adjust your Mix knob and see if this has any effect.
Tap lightly on the plugs in the Loop jacks, and then the Mix knob.

Use it like this until the amp gets hot. Maybe what is happening, is that you are playing the amp for a long period of time and something, like a bad solder connection, is heating up.
Awesome! Thanks Monsta-Tone. I will start there and report back.

Worth noting: I had a gig last night. So I replaced two preamp tubes (1 and 2 from the input side) just to see if it would help. As I said, the problem comes and goes. I didn't have any problem with fluctuation last night...but things definitely sounded worser than usual...Not sure what that's about. So, I'm going to put things the way they were before (old tubes back in place) and start looking at my effects loop for the problem. Thanks again everyone...there is hope at least.
Later that day...

Okay, old tubes back, effect jacks cleaned...amp sounds good. Not noticing any fluctuation...yet, still waiting for it; It mocks me. Been playing with and without a patched effects loop for awhile...and am I crazy, or does it sound different? Why would this be?

And why would a patch cable fix that problem?

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