dating my dc5

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Antwerp, Belgium
i'm looking for the date of my dc5,

i've looked everywhere, underneath the chassis, on the speaker, ... but nowhere to found anything

the only thing i've found is a green mark (the letter V) and that the signings of 120V, 2,5A fuse has been painted black (i live in europe)
Is there a serial number?
Mine is handwritten on the chasis 1532. (which happened to be my address at the time...weird) I purchased it new in 1990.

Have you contacted Boogie?
I mailed the Mesa support about my DC-5 and they said (knowing the serial: DC02137X) that "Unfortunately we do not have a database for our serial #'s, but it looks like your amp was most likely built in December of 1993." Accurate enough for me :)

Mail 'em!
Best bet for dating the amp is to look for tell tale things like dates on the chassis or on the board. Both of these require removing the chassis from the amp. Just be careful if you have never done this because there are caps in there that will kill you dead if they discharge on you. The best way is to just not touch anything inside the chassis once you remove it then replace it with the same care. This is one of the first steps in learning how to work on the internals of your amp.
i know how to work inside an amp

worked for abouth a month as a repairman at a backline company

i've built a marshall 1974x
i've built a marshall 2204
i've rebuilt a hiwatt dr103
Ok, so open her up and see what you got then...
Here is a link that shows how to date potentiometers .