customizing rectifier heads (???)

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Jan 16, 2008
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Does anyone know exactly how the faceplate is being held on there? I opened up the back expecting to see screws holding it in place but there is a board there, and the front has no screws either.

I'm trying to take it apart without ruining it.

Any advice/help/experienced pointers would be a huge help.

Industrial strength double sided tape is how the faceplate is held on.

It's a bi*ch to get off. Remove the chassis. Set the cabinet face down on a couch or something soft. Take a short 2x4 and place on one side of the diamond plate showing at the bottom, and hit it with a hammer. Hard. Until you can tell that it's popped loose. Then you can grab it from the front and pull it off. If it's still stuck good, do the same procedure to the other side, and try to pull it off again.

Sooner or later, it will come off. I've removed the diamond plate on both Dual Rectos I've had. Sometimes the wood will splinter behind the plate, but it's nothing to really worry about.
I would go with Elpelotero said. Probably less damaging in the long run.

Just out of curiosity, what do you want to put in place of the diamond plate?
Yes, use a heat gun, or at least a hair dryer. The heat will loosen the adhesive. I did this with mine. You can order different face plates from Mesa.
just finished.

got it off about a week ago (prying with a screwdriver and using my manliness) and flipped it over so there is no diamond plate, sanded it and painted it matte black and it looks sweet. I also flipped the top vent pieces so that the vent is also black now.

I don't really like the diamond plate front. I think it looks tacky. Now it's just a loud *** black box of death.

I can't find anywhere to buy a set of those black chrome knobs that come on the rectifiers. I looked online but I couldn't find any.


Oh, and black switches and inputs. Yep.