crazy problem with roadster

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
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Well I got my roadster ...last week, till now I love the amp. But there is a crazy problem. I know about the popping sound on channel 3 and 4...and if you change through channels on standby it goes away. So I do that and there is no popping on 1, 2, 4(4 is in modern) . But I keep on getting the popping sound on channel 3(I tried channel 3 with raw, vintage, and modern). I dont know whats going on. I am thinking about taking it back to the store and ask whats up. I really love my roadster...and just want the popping to go away.

Any idea whats up?
cycling through the channels in standby is what works for me.... i'd take it back

its kind of disapointing that mesa can put out such great sounding amps choked full of great versitility and functions yet their channel switching is second grade.... i played a JVM the other day and a ZOOM G9.1tt fx unit and the switching was soooooo smooth.... the ZOOM actually has the fastest switching right now with 7ns..... its a friggin ZOOM and we're talking about a Boogie that not only pops but the actual switching has a noticable lag... while i never had the problem with the older models, the newer ones seem to almost always have this issue..... i know alot of the newer models especially the RKs and the Roadster with all they're functions have a lot more to the design, but how can you slack on the channel switching? I mean take the ENGL SE which is one of the most versitile, function packed amps out there and their switching system is smooth with no popping and no lag..... come on Randall wake up
jdurso said:
cycling through the channels in standby is what works for me.... i'd take it back

its kind of disapointing that mesa can put out such great sounding amps choked full of great versitility and functions yet their channel switching is second grade.... i played a JVM the other day and a ZOOM G9.1tt fx unit and the switching was soooooo smooth.... the ZOOM actually has the fastest switching right now with 7ns..... its a friggin ZOOM and we're talking about a Boogie that not only pops but the actual switching has a noticable lag... while i never had the problem with the older models, the newer ones seem to almost always have this issue..... i know alot of the newer models especially the RKs and the Roadster with all they're functions have a lot more to the design, but how can you slack on the channel switching? I mean take the ENGL SE which is one of the most versitile, function packed amps out there and their switching system is smooth with no popping and no lag..... come on Randall wake up

Ya it kinda blows, while the amp sounds topnotch but the popping SUCKSSS big time. I dished out 2G five days ago to get this amp and I have to already take it back to the tech. I will probably pick another one today.
Let us know what you decide.

Would hate to see you get rid of the roadster dude, you've barely fallen in love with it yet.

Is there not a mod of any sort that can be done to improve on this at all?
vertigo_ said:
Well I got my roadster ...last week, till now I love the amp. But there is a crazy problem. I know about the popping sound on channel 3 and 4...and if you change through channels on standby it goes away. So I do that and there is no popping on 1, 2, 4(4 is in modern) . But I keep on getting the popping sound on channel 3(I tried channel 3 with raw, vintage, and modern). I dont know whats going on. I am thinking about taking it back to the store and ask whats up. I really love my roadster...and just want the popping to go away.

Any idea whats up?

My Roadster does the same thing. It pops on channel 3 vintage mode. It won't go away unless MAYBE if you send it to Mesa. Learn to live with it.

I went in the store and changed my roadster got another one. Got it back home....and the freaken pop is there. Not as crazy as the other one, but its there. WHAT UP MESA?
Yep, this is something that really craps me off with the Roadster. I have a few things I'd like to say to Randall! :twisted:

Ciao ...
Call Mesa and ***** about it.. that's the only way they're going to change. We should schedule routine calls for all Roadster owners..

frankly that's a pretty piss poor thing for Mesa to do, especially with their reputation.
Is there anyone who got a roadster from a store and didnt get this POPPING problem? IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?
hey vertigo,
ive put hours of research on the roadster/rectifer popping issue. im not exactly sure how to explain what the technical problem is (i don't think too many people can, its not that clear), but I can tell you that approximately 87% of the Roadster owners that ive asked have the popping on either all channels or the 3rd vintage mode.

Mine pops on channel 3 Vintage and I hate it. Sometimes I even get a loud thump when switching to channel 1, but im sticking with the amp since im not in the U.S. and I can't ship the amp overseas.

Ive only used my Roadster at bedroom levels. Maybe the popping isnt that bad at gig volumes.

By the way, the Roadster is my second tube amp. Both of my first two tube amps have been Mesa and they have both popped (I used to own an F-50).
My Roadster pops until I cycle through all of the channels. I haven't really noticed the popping in the last few weeks, although I have to admit I'm too into playing to really notice. I'll check it out today and post my results.

I'm all for joining the group and calling Mesa about the problem until there's a solution. There's no bitching like community bitching!!
I second twostring...if you guys want I can start a online petition and we can all sign and submit it to mesa. Cause after dishing out 2G , a pop on channel 3 vintage, comeon now that is not exceptable
Start it up...I'll sign. Hopefully this kicks Mesa in the butt and we get Roadster Stage II. I'm also hoping that all of us that have stuck by Mesa and the Roadster will get ours fixed for free.
I have a dual recto 3ch and it pops even if a cycle through the channels before turning on the standby switch.
But in higher volumes I don't notice the pop. Only in bedroom levels.
I'm with you fella's. I got a real evil eye from the soundman last week, I forgot to cycle through the channels in standby. His evil eye was followed by the comment "Is Mesa EVER going to fix that??"

Embarassing indeed. Sign me up.


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