Crazy Idea!

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2008
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I love the sound of my 5:25. I posted a thread last week that I was "formerly content", but I've been playing it more this week and am falling in love all over again. The dilemma is that I also really like the 5:50. And I'm a gear head. And I love stereophonic effects. So here's the idea.

Both the 5:25 and 5:50 use identical preamps. The only difference between the amps is the power section (and the cabs/speakers if you have combos.) What if you had one of each and took the preamp send out of one, through your effects, and then into the return of both amps? You would get the best of EL84 and 6L6 flavor! And since the preamps are the same, if you have them set identically, you have one backing up the other. So if there's a preamp issue on the amp you are using to generate your tone, swap a cable and you're back in business!

This is something I really want to try, and I'm curious if anybody out there is as crazy as I am.
Nope, you ain't crazy - folks been doing this forever.
Just beware of ground loops. All your gear should be powered from the same power strip/outlet.
I know that people have been doing this with two amps for a long time. I just think it's excellent that the Express series amps share the same preamp, That way you 1) aren't missing out on one of the amp's tones, and 2) have an identical backup for your preamp. :) Now all I need is money...
Excellent idea. Extending this further... It could be possible to use the two amps preamps to cover the total 4 modes right?

Lets say 5:25 serves the Clean & Blues and 5:50 serves the Crunch & Burn. You set the preamps as you need and then have two footswitches in front of you.

You would need an additional footswitch of some sort to switch from one preamp to the other. I'm thinking of something like the Voodoo Lab Amp Switcher. Has 2 inputs and can drive 2 outputs on each.... Can also be programmed to work in either/or mode meaning when you press on one button it deactivates the other. So 5:25 pre-out goes into input A on the amp switcher, 5:25 goes into Input B. Using some sort of Y cables you connect output 1 & 3 to effect return on 5:25 and then output 2 & 4 goes into effects return of 5:50. Just need to check if the Y cable connections will cause trouble.

If not with the Vodoo Lab product with something else along this line... It should be possible.
MCK said:
Excellent idea. Extending this further... It could be possible to use the two amps preamps to cover the total 4 modes right?

Lets say 5:25 serves the Clean & Blues and 5:50 serves the Crunch & Burn. You set the preamps as you need and then have two footswitches in front of you.

You would need an additional footswitch of some sort to switch from one preamp to the other. I'm thinking of something like the Voodoo Lab Amp Switcher. Has 2 inputs and can drive 2 outputs on each.... Can also be programmed to work in either/or mode meaning when you press on one button it deactivates the other. So 5:25 pre-out goes into input A on the amp switcher, 5:25 goes into Input B. Using some sort of Y cables you connect output 1 & 3 to effect return on 5:25 and then output 2 & 4 goes into effects return of 5:50. Just need to check if the Y cable connections will cause trouble.

If not with the Vodoo Lab product with something else along this line... It should be possible.

Yes! I was thinking about this idea, too, and if you have the cash, it would be quite easy. I think that from a financial standpoint, a Mark V might be a more viable option, however.

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