Confused about a few cab choices.....

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Feb 10, 2007
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Quebec, Canada
I'm the owner of a Rectoverb combo.
After checking out the cabs (2 X 12 models more precisely) on the Mesa site I noticed something peculiar.
The 2 X 12 rectifier cab has two V30 speakers and is a closed back.
The 2 X 12 3/4 Back cab has two C90 speakers and is a tuned 3/4 closed back.
Now, the cab which matches my combo's specs the most is the 3/4 closed back. Same C90 speaker(s) too.
Am I right to believe that the 3/4 Back would sound more like my ROV than the Rectifier cab?
I tried my combo through my girlfriend's 2 X 12 Rectifier cab tonight and wasn't that impressed with the overall tone..... sounded harsh and didn't have that spongy characteristic I love so much from my ROV. Of course her cab is brand new, hasn't been broken in yet and my ROV has been played every day for the past 8 months.
I wonder, if I want to get more of my ROV sound should I go with the 3/4 Back instead?
Hey spott I think we ran into each other somewhere else in here.
Anyways I didnt want to hear what you said about trying the rect's 2x12 through your rectoverb. I just got back from GC with a brand new
recto cab 2x12 for my rectoverb series 2. I thought the v30's with the single c90 would wotk out nice together, especially with the closed back cab and the combos 3/4 back. I guess I will find out for myself in an hour or so when I head downstairs to fire her up. By the way, you mentioned something about breaking in the cab,,,do you really think that would make much of a difference???
And I must say, its really got to be nice to borrow your girlfriends rig when you need it. You should have seen my wifes face when I told her I just came home with the other half of my amp. She just went downstairs and saw it a minute ago and all I heard was,,,OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP.
She will find out tonight, I can assure her of that
Hmmm, I'm not very educated in cab connections.
How would you connect your setup so you'd be using the 3 speakers?
You leave your combo speaker connected in the regular 8 ohm and go out one of the 4 ohm from the combo into the 8 ohm recto cab?
I haven't tried that. 4 ohms into 8 ohms is safe right?
I think I have to read the manual again..... lol.
hey spott,,,I actually called mesa today and believe it or not they answered the phone and reconnected me to customer service who also answered the phone immediatly. Unbelievable!
Anyways I asked them about connecting the recto 2x12 cab to my
rectoverb also using the combos 1 speaker . They said to reconnect the combos speaker to a 4ohm connection and the cab to the other 4 ohm connector....Both to the 4 ohm connectors.
If you want to use just the cab use the 8 ohm connector,,,hooking it up just like the single combo speaker. Your single combo speaker is 8 ohms. and your 2x12 cab is 8 ohms. I went back and looked at the manual after speaking with them and its in there...Does this mean you really didnt try the cab with your rectoverb???
Im hoping he didnt try it or he actually didnt hook it up right. Im a bit nervous about going down and firing her up. The less amount of gear my wife sees coming and going,especially large pieces the better.
hey spott I finally got the chance to try out the 2x12 cab with my rectoverb. This is the first cab I have ever owned so I dont have any others to compare it to but I would say that it was deffinatly made to go with the ROV. I think it sounds great and I cant really tell too much of a difference between the c90 and v30's,,I think they go hand in hand. The setup is much fuller sounding and the bottom end is unbelievable now. It really seems to fill in something sound wise the ROV was missing with the single speaker.
Anyways I know my wife is happy with my decision because she said im going to have to turn it down a bit because im shaking parts of the house that never shook before. Shes deffinatly pleased.
I only tried the ROV with the 2 X 12 cab in the 8 ohm, so my combo speaker was unplugged.
Tonight I'll try it like you say, with the combo speaker AND the cab in the 4 ohms.
Can't wait 'till I get home.
I have my ROV hooked up to the combo speaker and a self build 2x12. This 2x12 is build by Mesa spec's, so bigger dimensions and v30's. WOuld sound almost the same I guess.

Now the following. I don't know what you really like to play, but together this setup is really nice. It get me quite full cleans and pushed, but also a big oompf in the vintage and modern setting. Overall, I really like this. I'm thinking of getting/building a 4x12, with a X-placement of v30 and c90.

Also, one or the other alone sucks in my ears. Only the combo speaker sounds thin and way too high. Only the 2x12 cab sounds dark and muffled.

Last but not least, my 2x12 cab is 8 Ohm. The combo speaker is 8Ohm. I have set this up by plugging both leads in each of the two 4Ohm output of the amp.
Ya, thats how mesa said to hook it up using both the 8 ohm 2x12 and the combos single. Both into the 4ohm jacks.
Last night when I tried the new 2x12 with the combo single, like I said I think they make a perfect pair. The vintage and modern settings are incredible and the cleans are very nice also. One thing I did notice before the 2x12 is that if I backed away from the single combo speaker,
say about 10 or 15 feet directly in front, the speaker sounded very thin to me. I guess that can be expected though with just one speaker.Although I always thought the single sounded nice from all other angles.
Hey chennie,,you said your thinking about building a 4x12 for your ROV.
Im assuming its a combo like mine, so im wondering where would you place the combo,,,on the side or on top of the 4x12???? I t seems like it would be monsterous on top. My combo sitting on top of the 2x12 seem to go together perfectly. I just wish I could figure out how I could use the slip cover that came with it,,with the combo sitting on top????
ey Robbie,

Yes indeed I have a ROV combo, but I took out the amp itself a made it a head. The combo itself is now a 1x12" cab.

For your visualization:

You will recognise the middle cab as the original. The head is thus a self built head and at the bottom the said 2x12. I really don't need a 4x12, I just like building stuff.
****,,,,I guess you do like building stuff. Pretty ingenius.
Im wondering why you seperated the head from the combo speaker if you were planning on using it anyways??
Anyways you can bet that your the only one with that setup.
It is just more practical to have a head instead of a combo. Easier to carry (I live on the third floor) and sometimes cabinets are already available, so you only have to bring your amp.
Also I just like the looks better. =)

Anyways, if you keep the 2x12 together with your combo, you have practically the same set up =) nice sound, huh ?
ya I like the sound I get out of it together with the combo. Im not going to try the 2x12 alone though,,,not sure if I want to take a chance of hearing something I dont like. I was planning on using the new 2x12 together with the single combo anyways.
Im not trying to pry but being on the 3rd floor of an apartment,,,dont your neighbors get pissed when you turn it up at all?.
We live in a nice size townhouse with a basement here on an end unit so we only have 1 neighbor next door who happens to be about 85 years old and lives alone.Luckily for me she is truelly half deaf,,no joke,
but sometimes I feel I get an attitude out of her after a particular loud evening or 2. So far she hasnt said anything yet.
Spott said:
I'm the owner of a Rectoverb combo.
After checking out the cabs (2 X 12 models more precisely) on the Mesa site I noticed something peculiar.
The 2 X 12 rectifier cab has two V30 speakers and is a closed back.
The 2 X 12 3/4 Back cab has two C90 speakers and is a tuned 3/4 closed back.
Now, the cab which matches my combo's specs the most is the 3/4 closed back. Same C90 speaker(s) too.
Am I right to believe that the 3/4 Back would sound more like my ROV than the Rectifier cab?
I wonder, if I want to get more of my ROV sound should I go with the 3/4 Back instead?

Well, for the most part, I think you could answer the above question on your own! Yes, the 3/4 w/C90's would most likely match your Rectoverb!

But you have missed one! What about the Roadking 212, with a C90 3/4 open back on one side, and a V30 closed back on the other! That would be interesting, and possibly my 1st choice for something different!
OOoooo man..... man oh man oh man oh man, I just tried the combo + the cab.
Auditory Nirvana.
That's what I was looking for. Pure bliss.
I know what I'm buying now, a nice 2 X 12 recto cab.
That made my girlfriend jealous though. She took her recto cab back from me and now she wants to get herself a 3/4 back 2 X 12 cab at the same time as my cab purchase to be on par with me. She has the Solo head 50.
The RoadKing cab seems interesting, but I think I'd rather go with the 2 X 12 recto.
Serious G.A.S. man, I'm suffering so.........
NICE,,,,I had the feeling once you hooked that 2x12 up correctly with the single combo speaker you would love it.
I think having the closed back 2x12 and the 3/4 back of the combo
they compliment each other real nicely....Glad were both happy,,hopefully the store you purchase your boogie stuff from has one in stock.
Thats the only reason I bought mine when I did. I walked into my GC and they were putting up the newly delivered 5:50 and recto cab 2x12.

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