Company Layoff's

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Dusty Rhodes

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2007
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We were hit with a 3% workforce layoff today. :shock: Fortunately I weathered the storm.

Has anyone else out there been experiencing this?
I'm there too. I still have my job but about three weeks ago they sent a lot of my co-workers home. Scary!

If you are ever in St Paul and see a guy on a street corner playing a Les Paul
through a cranked Stiletto it could be me.

Throw some change into my open guitar case please.
It's huge here and don't believe the announced 24,600 it's way more than that. Dell just announced a voluntary severence which will flood the Austin job marketin. It's going to get rough.

Right now I haven't been laid off but I don't have a job either. I find out the week of Thanksgiving whether or not I'm working or laid off. Been doing nothing but look for jobs - it sucks.

If the band could get 5 gigs a week like we played last week I wouldn't need a corp. gig.
ned said:
It's huge here and don't believe the announced 24,600 it's way more than that. Dell just announced a voluntary severence which will flood the Austin job marketin. It's going to get rough.

Right now I haven't been laid off but I don't have a job either. I find out the week of Thanksgiving whether or not I'm working or laid off. Been doing nothing but look for jobs - it sucks.

If the band could get 5 gigs a week like we played last week I wouldn't need a corp. gig.

The up side to corporate jobs is the insurance benefits. Giging is great but without the benefits it can suck real fast.

I sure hope you make it through Thanksgiving....
Here in the Motor City it's downright scary. ALL of the big three GM, Crysler, and Ford are now on the verge of going under. If they do they will take hundreds of smaller suppliers with them. It is predicted that if GM & Crysler alone go under there will be 1.5 million people that will lose their jobs. As bad as this area has been hurt already that would devastate our economy for a LOOOONG time to come.
t0aj15 said:
Here in the Motor City it's downright scary. ALL of the big three GM, Crysler, and Ford are now on the verge of going under. If they do they will take hundreds of smaller suppliers with them. It is predicted that if GM & Crysler alone go under there will be 1.5 million people that will lose their jobs. As bad as this area has been hurt already that would devastate our economy for a LOOOONG time to come.

I was in Aerospace for 17 years and know exactly what you mean. When I got laid off of the B-2 program (along with everyong else) that affected thousands of jobs in just the vendor arena alone. Now I'm in the event marketing and tradeshow industry which is more stable that aerospace but volitle non-the-less. No one is safe.....
ned said:
It's huge here and don't believe the announced 24,600 it's way more than that. Dell just announced a voluntary severence which will flood the Austin job marketin. It's going to get rough.

on a side note, some dell employees in el salvador arent being laid off, but the center was bought by Stream and will now be an outsourced center instead of Dell internal, i can just imagine what this will do to the employees income and benefits.

i'm almost glad i resigned from my position with Stream in tampa, when i started as a level 2 tech it wasnt too bad, now they are hiring people at about $3 an hour less than they were 18months ago.

now every company i interview with loves me, wants to hire me, but ends up putting a hold on hiring until most likely after the new year.
our company let go fo 70 some odd people just before the election. Something like a 20% workforce reduction.
It's bloody scary here in Dallas too. I've weathered 2 rounds so far and I'm still in.
Our company was just bought out by a bigger fish so none of us knows what to think.
I just keep tellin' myself...Hang on really tight!!! The roughest stuff is comin'.
Ten out of thirty five since September. We are a brass and copper supplier, the majority of our business is affected by automotive and housing. I feel very fortunate to have my job; 19 years in January.
Yeah all this "right sizing" sucks. My company (IS analyst for a national homebuilder) has been having cuts after each quarter for the last 8-9 quarters so i've made it through almost 10 rounds. We're at about 40% of the staff we had at the end of 2006. Luckily my job in the company is in high demand now that housing sales are way down... when your not building you have to innovate so at least there is some job security for me. Hopefully the company stays afloat :?
Yeah, here at work we had to do some budget cuts. Here's how my cubical currently looks like
Luckily I was just hired at an I.T. company and it seems that we are fortunate enough to not be effects much by the economy. Company's are firing their internal I.T. persons and outsourcing with us. So, we are adding new customers every week and still able to hire new employees. I feel pretty fortunate. But, if I don't get off these forums my job may be at stake! :lol:

I hope to not have to see any of us sell our hard earned gear because of the economy... :|
Due to an inept manager my paper work got screwed up so I avoided the canning today. However, I will now be laid off on Monday. Look for a bunch of FX and guitars coming up for sale as I'll need to raise some cash to pay the bills.