Combo or Head?

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Jan 28, 2010
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Hi all, long time Mesa user, first time on this board. Anyways, I've had a DC-3 combo for a long time and now I'm looking to get a Mark V soon.

I have kind of a newbie question - I've only ever had combos, and have grown to dislike some of the flubbiness and tube noise that accompanies my DC-3. I suppose all open-back combos suffer from similar issues?

I need to keep it at reasonable volume as I'm mostly a bedroom player these days. So basically, how much of an advantage is it to get the Mark V head and a 1x12 cab? (I hear the 3/4 back is great) vs. a Mark V combo. Is the head really only worth it if I was playing out more with a 2x12 or 4x12 set up?

Thanks for any help!
I always buy heads. They're easier to pack around and you can own one cab and a bunch of heads.

Plus, you can push them harder without your cab flubbing out.

i only use heads, combos a great for just jammin around or if you need it to be very compact. But i like the use of heads because a. i can use any type of cab/speaker combo i want. B. i can run two heads outta two cabs and it looks bad ***. And c. i find it easier to move a head than a combo just because its less awkward. Both are great just what ever you need them for is more the question. Plus you dont see many bands with a combo on stage yeah theres many older rock dudes that do. But nothing says metal than more two 4x12s with a nice Boogie mark v on top.
I think the Head through a larger cabinet sounds 10x bigger than the Mark V combo. The combo sounds great, but the head through a 4x12 just sounds so much better.
Go to a Guitar Center and try to pick up a Mark V combo. I is just about the heaviest amp I have ever tried to move.
The heads are convenient. It is easier to have a few cabs depending on the need, easier to change out speakers, lighter on the back moving, you can put the head and a rack unit in case...The speaker box can take some bangin but the tube head needs some love.
Cool, I figure it's time to finally have a real cab/head set up after all these years. Though since I don't play out that much anymore - which 1x12 would you guys recommend? Open back, closed back, 3/4 back - the liethe model? Which (if not all) would have the most benefit over the same 1x12 config in the combo?

I guess I might consider a Recto 2x12 vertical, but it might be too much for the neighbors...or my wife :D

Thanks again!
the widebody 1x12 will basically be the combo. the widebody (front ported) 1x12, will add more bass and depth / directionality (both are the correct dimensions to fit with the V if asthetics is an issue)

im guessing the 3/4 back will be like an in between the open and closed back

the vert recto will have different speakers, possibly more aggressive? larger bottom than the other 2.

what about the road king 2x12? its a v30 in a closed back and a c90 in a open back.. you can run them together or just the c90 side (which would be like the combo) or the v30 (if you keep the wattage at 45 or 10, since its a 60 watt speaker)