he cited srv as his grail tone,i can't remember him using a mesa boogie...re read his posts..clown
The only thing that matter is this little dialogue
A good pedal should let the sound of the guitar AND AMP come thru without 2 much colouration!
I just happen to think for me my LSS does that quite well.
The best thing about music is to have fun with it. To make someone or yourself smile. And even if someone uses a Boogie and is happy with it, it's okay. But no! It must be a fender and some pedals.
Did you play a LSS? Because i couldn't find it in you first post.
If not how could you say anything. It's that easy! And this is why i call you stupid. Because it doesn't make sense to make statements without even the Experience. And that's maybe also the reason why nobody wants to post in this topic. A Discussion about taste is not wrong, but saying something is crap without trying it + giving "good advice" is on the wrong place in any forum. That's why i will also ignore any of your further posts and topics.
Instead of leading this topic and discuss you just banished most of the board members.
You're a hero!