''Chasing holy grails-debunking the myth''

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ryjan said:
Vogelsong said:
Im curious what myth are you trying to debunk exactly?

And yes I read the whole thread, you don't really say what myth your referring to.
The myth that says because his ear isn't fully developed that everyone must agree that a Mark IIC+ isn't up to snuff with a MT-2 into a clean amp. But then he states that "modelers suck" because he wants to act like a cork sniffer but drink Bartles & James.


Oh yeah, dont forget the BBE Sonic Maximizor!
bartchamdoh said:
Hey 6l6 i'm not saying mesa's are crap...have you read this thread?
Yes, I read the thread, and REAL musicians don't buy Mesa amps just to put crap distortion pedals into the clean channel now do they? At least I don't and won't. I'm not saying I don't use pedals, I don't use distortion pedals. Maybe you should stick to impressing yourself in your bedroom. Sniff on that.
mesaboogie6L6 said:
bartchamdoh said:
Hey 6l6 i'm not saying mesa's are crap...have you read this thread?
Yes, I read the thread, and REAL musicians don't buy Mesa amps just to put crap distortion pedals into the clean channel now do they? At least I don't and won't. I'm not saying I don't use pedals, I don't use distortion pedals. Maybe you should stick to impressing yourself in your bedroom. Sniff on that.

Now I'm getting the popcorn. :)
Obviously we need to ditch our Mesa amps. Heres a video that's been plaguing the Jemsite forums; it's Satch playing a $100 guitar, $100 amp and a $50 processor - and OBVIOUSLY YOUTUBE TONE DOESN'T LIE WHEN YOU ARE A GUITAR MASTER!


"The tone is in the fingers."



Maybe bartchamdoh will cram it now.
bartchamdoh said:
maybe you guys don't use top drawer distortions and overdrives like i do...just the amps ha ha.

So what pedals are you using exactly?

And again, what is this myth you mentioned?
bartchamdoh said:
maybe you guys don't use top drawer distortions and overdrives like i do...just the amps ha ha.

Oh please do tell us what you use.
This guy is an antagonistic little child and gets off on joining forums and talking sh!t. Please quit playing his game. I'm sick of seeing this topic bumped to the top every 15 minutes.
bartchamdoh said:
bb pre amp/suhr riot...pedals can't sound better than an amps overdrive/distortoin!...myth!!!

Okay now I know your full of it.

You call that top shelf?

This is top shelf my friend...


I wouldn't call what your calling a Myth, more like a differance in personal taste.

I cant stand the over processed tinty sound of Petrucci, and Satriani and the others with there tone. I love watching there talent, can't really get into their tone.

David Gilmore I could listen to all day, again highly processed tone, but more to my liking.

SRV, thats my holy grail, now he did use pedals, but he only used 3 or 4. He used 2 TS9's that he really only used to push his Fenders and Marshalls a little harder. Nothing he couldn't of done with mods he just chose to use pedals. His main amp in the end was a Dumble, it was a one trick pony. A 30k dollar one trick pony.

My LSS does everything I need it to. Im very happy.
OK, I tried. I agree, not worth the effort and he's on ignore now.
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