Channel 3 mid

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Well-known member
May 30, 2010
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hello all and happy new year.

This may seem like a daft question but I was wondering if somebody could shed some light on this for me:

The mid control on my Mark V in channel 3 seems (to me) to do nothing, or at least so little that I'm not sure if I can even tell any difference, even when I sweep it from off to all the way clockwise whilst playing. Now I did notice this a while back but I figured that was probably because I had the mids on the graphic EQ scooped, but since I've started playing around with settings again and having the GEQ turned off, I still can't hear or even feel any difference.

I remember back on my old Lonestar Special that the drive knob didn't bypass in channel 2 when it was set to clean. Once I opened up the amp to look inside I saw that the drive / clean toggle hadn't been soldered. They must have missed it at Mesa somehow. I'm wondering if that's the case again in my MV.

Before I go looking inside, if anyone could please do a test for me on their MV to see exactly how much the mid control affects their tone in channel 3, I'd really appreciate that.

What settings are you using? The Mid control on mine makes a pretty substantial difference to my ears, kind of takes the tone from a more hollow sound at the bottom to a more nasally full sound towards the top. I can hear the difference in smaller adjustments the louder I'm playing especially with good Ear-Plugs in. Although all of that depends heavily on the other settings I am using.
Mine does very little as well . even the treble doesn't give me a lot of the changes
I was just messing around with the mid knob on mine and yeah I honestly am struggling to hear any difference on channel two also. Maybe I'm tone deaf?
The mid controls are very interactive with the gain and treble controls. Turning down the treble makes the mid control more prominent. You have to play with things a bit to get a feel for how they work, it's not a straightforward tone stack like you'll find on a Fender or Marshall.
One thing you can do to demo how interactive the Mid control is is drop everything down to zero on CH 3, set whatever amp mode you prefer, then add in gain to about 12 O'Clock, then slowly bring up each of the 3 and set them back to zero so you can identify the range they affect. I also would flatten out the eq so you have no extra coloration. You will notice that as you add more high and mid it also boosts the gain in that range, bass is less gain, but can alter the character of the tone making if tighter or looser depending on where it sits. But this is a great method to dialing in your tone from the ground up. Once you establish the area you prefer, then add your EQ back in and have fun. I notice it most on the Mark IIC+ mode, but that is my fave.

Good luck!
