Channel 2 Going Bad

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Jul 10, 2010
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I bought the V combo 4 weeks ago and last night channel 2 started what might be described as a fizz sound similar to what you would hear when you overdrive a solid state preamp or any solid state device's input stage. The sound is subtle but unacceptable and only occurs on channel 2. It does not matter if it is edge, crunch, mark I, normal or thick, any of the power modes, fx on or hard bypass, eq on or off, nor does it go away with any gain/master combinations or tone control settings. Unless I've missed something here it just does not matter how channel 2 is configured.

I believe the next course of action should be to swap out V1, 2, and 3 one at a time in hopes that I have a tube problem though my experience with a bad 12AX7 has usually been a problem with dead, microphonic, rattle, dull, weak, etc. condition. Never had a fizzy distortion sound myself.

Though not impossible it seems if the problem was V1 I would also have problems with channel 3, and if it were V3 problems with channels 1 and 3, which justs leave V2 the most suspect to me.

If the tube swapping does not rectify the problem do you guys know of any other potential cause on this amp and have you ever heard of this? Hope its not in the circuitry.
You are on the right path with the 12AX7 but you might call artist relations and have a chat with them if that doesnt get fixed up .
Check the manual. If the problem only occurs on channel 2, then you should expect the problem to be V2. V2 is only used by channel 2, so a bad tube there will have no effect on the other channels.