Changing tubes on Triple Recto

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Aug 31, 2006
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I have just purchased a Mesa Trip Recto from my friend and it needs new tubes.

I searched the internet but could not find a walkthrough for replacing the tubes correctly.

I currently have 4 tubes and I am wondering if it is okay to replace 4 of them or do I HAVE to replace them all?

Any information is greatly appreciated!!
I'm pretty sure you can just replace the ones which need replacing. You do not need to replace all of the tubes (if there are still good ones left). I would recomment staying with Mesa tubes since they are matched and their amps are fixed bias.

Other than that, there's really not much more to it. Just swap out the ones which need replacing.
Thank you for your reply!

Is there a way to know which ones are needing to be replaced?
When in doubt just replace all of the tubes. I know it's a little pricey on a Triple Rec but it will be well worth it. Also you don't have to use Mesa labeled tubes....which are really overpriced.

There are several good tube vendors on the net that will fix you right up.

Doug at
Bob at

These are two really good vendors. Hope it helps.
I am looking at the euro site and he seems to have some great deals.

A lot of different Mesa Tube Sets though.

I understand they have description but realize I am new to tube amps - I have always played solid state.

I play in an alternative/metal band. So, a lot of palm muting and low end.

Which tube set would you suggest I pick up?
voormis said:
I am looking at the euro site and he seems to have some great deals.

A lot of different Mesa Tube Sets though.

I understand they have description but realize I am new to tube amps - I have always played solid state.

I play in an alternative/metal band. So, a lot of palm muting and low end.

Which tube set would you suggest I pick up?

I play in a metal band also and do a lot of palm mute chugging. I've always used 6L6's but recently I switched to the JJ KT77. To me they offer a tighter low end and more of a EL34 mid tone since they are in the EL34 tube family. The highs are smoother also and cuts down a lot of the recto fizz. Over all the KT77 is a well rounded and smooth sounding tube. To my ears they don't dominate in one certain frequency but are very balanced.

I don't think eurotubes has the kit listed yet with the KT77 but you can call or email them and they usually respond very quick.

I use the "high gain" front end kit in my amp and I like them but some people say JJ preamp tubes are too dark sounding for Recto's. It all boils down to personal preference.

Doug at dougstubes recommends a front end kit consisting of Tung-Sol in V1, EH in V2, JJ in V3, and 9th generation Chineses in V4 &V5. All 12ax7. I'm thinking of trying this setup in the near future. He also recommends SED winged C 6L6 for the power tubes. I have a friend who just ordered this setup for his single rec so I'm going to wait and see what it sounds like.

I've probably confused you more than I've helped you so I would call each vendor and tell them exactly what tone you're after. Eurotubes will be able to offer you only JJ tubes though. That's the only brand they sell.
Thanks for all the info, awesome!

Mesa Triple Rec High gain retube kit with 6L6GC's
--ECC83S-HG-K [3]
--ECC83S Standard [1]
--ECC83S Balanced [1]
--6L6GC Matched Sextet [1]

I am thinking of getting those...

Do those have to be placed in certain tube inputs or just pop them in?

Also, these do not include the pre-amps, correct? How often do those need replacing.

Sorry for all of the stupid questions...
voormis said:
Thanks for all the info, awesome!

Mesa Triple Rec High gain retube kit with 6L6GC's
--ECC83S-HG-K [3]
--ECC83S Standard [1]
--ECC83S Balanced [1]
--6L6GC Matched Sextet [1]

I am thinking of getting those...

Do those have to be placed in certain tube inputs or just pop them in?

Also, these do not include the pre-amps, correct? How often do those need replacing.

Sorry for all of the stupid questions...

No problem. They're not stupid questions.

The kit you listed above includes all of the preamp tubes and all the power tubes.

The ECC83s is JJ's number for 12AX7 preamp tubes. There should be a sticker inside the amp chassis with the tube layout diagram printed on it. If not it's also in the manual. You can download one from Mesa's website if you don't have one.

The tube layout shows exactly where V1, V2 etc are located. If I remember correctly the three high gain ECC83S goes in slots V1,V2,and V3. The standard ECC83S goes in V4 and the balanced ECC83S goes in the V5 phase invertor slot. The balanced ECC83S should be in a special marked box. It will have something like 110/110 or some other numbers marked on it.

Then of couse you just pop your 6L6 power tubes in.

The preamp tubes last a lot longer than the power tubes. Just to be safe I replace mine about every other power tube change.
Great, that about covers it. That is a great deal for those tubes, I'll be ordering them this weekend...

Thanks, man!
voormis said:
Great, that about covers it. That is a great deal for those tubes, I'll be ordering them this weekend...

Thanks, man!

You're welcome. Good luck with the Triple Rec. It's a beast once you get it dialed in.
voormis said:
Thanks for all the info, awesome!

Mesa Triple Rec High gain retube kit with 6L6GC's
--ECC83S-HG-K [3]
--ECC83S Standard [1]
--ECC83S Balanced [1]
--6L6GC Matched Sextet [1]

I am thinking of getting those...

Do those have to be placed in certain tube inputs or just pop them in?

Also, these do not include the pre-amps, correct? How often do those need replacing.

Sorry for all of the stupid questions...

No questions are stupid :)

First of all, yes the ECC83's are preamp tubes. They usually don't really need replacing unless you get some nasty noise, microphonics, etc out of them. They last much longer than power amp tubes, I'd say replace power tubes twice before preamp but that's me.

As far as inputs, the tubes come 'matched.' If you get all 6 matched it doesn't matter where you put them. Otherwise if they're in pairs, match the tube to the opposite socket. In the TR manual there is a tube pinout.. on the DR it's slot's 1 and 4 are pairs, 2 and 3 are pairs, etc but I'm not sure on the Triple how the pairs go.

To insert them, they are keyed so you kind of just turn it around the socket until you feel it accept the tube.. you should never force it as the correct position will accept it freely. Then sort of push down and wiggle gently back and forth at the same time.
Not mentioned yet is the order in which the Power Tubes are situated! As they are always in pairs: (3)(2)(1)(1)(2)(3). Where the two inside are pairs, two outside are pairs, and of course, the others paired! So, if for example you were'nt going to replace all of them at this time (not recommended), you would follow these rules! And they will apply when you recieve your new tubes, as they will arrive in pairs!
voormis said:
I have just purchased a Mesa Trip Recto from my friend and it needs new tubes.

I searched the internet but could not find a walkthrough for replacing the tubes correctly.

I currently have 4 tubes and I am wondering if it is okay to replace 4 of them or do I HAVE to replace them all?

Any information is greatly appreciated!!

How do you know that they need to be replaced? :?:
I know they need changing because they haven't been changed for at least 2 years and the distortion is starting to sound "dead".
voormis said:
I know they need changing because they haven't been changed for at least 2 years and the distortion is starting to sound "dead".

I hear you--I was just wondering--I would suggest some 5881's--they are a nice thick tube that has a nice taper on the top end to give you nice solid harmonics-- :wink:

As far as brand....Tung Sols have been getting some pretty good ratings lately--especially their Preamp tubes-- :D
You also may want to check out some GZ34's for your rectifier tubes, if you have the money to play with, test the amp with the rect. tubes you have in and then swap them and see the difference.
Yeah, I am having a very hard time deciding...

Eventhough we play a lot of heavy riffs, we switch to the clean channel for single string sections, etc.

Also, which tubes are wich? What are the 6 small ones called? Are the 3 large tubes the pre-amps?

I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable musician, but this tube crap is messing with my head, ha. I feel slow trying to grasp this stuff.
voormis said:
Yeah, I am having a very hard time deciding...

Eventhough we play a lot of heavy riffs, we switch to the clean channel for single string sections, etc.

Also, which tubes are wich? What are the 6 small ones called? Are the 3 large tubes the pre-amps?

I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable musician, but this tube crap is messing with my head, ha. I feel slow trying to grasp this stuff.

The smallest tubes inside the metal covers are called the pre-amp tubes. The next largest (6 of them) are called power tubes. The 3 to the far right of your amp back are your rectifier tubes.

Consult page 26:
