Hi, I have a 5:50 Express plus and a Rectoverb 25, also have a 1967 Fender Vibrolux Reverb all combos. I am getting the itch to change things up. I do love the tone and ease of use on both Mesas. I have an opportunity to get a 80s Mark III 1 owner who purchased it directly from Mesa back in the 80s. I have never played one but have watched and read many reviews on what a great amp it is. I play mostly at home and play classic rock, 80s Hair metal and Country. I would probably have to get rid of an amp or 2 to get the Mark III. I was also looking at the Mark V which I am pretty sure could easily repace both mesas I have. But it will be a hard decision. Thoughts? I do plan on going to the local store to see what they have for Marks and play them.