Cancer sucks!

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Riff Blister

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
St Paul, Mn.
This is in response to the Ronnie James Dio thread.
I posted a comment there and MesaGod666 asked me how they found the cancer in me. Out of respect for Ronnie I didn't want to hijack that thread with talk about my issues.
It's pretty sad when we loose someone like Ronnie. We find inspiration in people like him and our passion for music is fueled by what they have achieved as artists.
Two years ago I lost a musician friend to stomach cancer. The same type of cancer that took Ronnie.
I remember how it affected me when Frank Zappa died of prostate cancer. Now actor Dennis Hopper is dieing from prostate cancer. The list goes on.
Last September I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was lucky. Doctors caught it in it's very early stages. In January I had surgery to have it removed before it spread any where else. They totally removed my mother effin' prostate gland! I've got five 1/2" scares in my stomach. It looks like I was in a knife fight :lol:
I am recovering. My tests are coming back good. I'm still alive.
Now, this is what I want to pass on to my fellow Boogie Boarders.
I started getting annual physicals about three years ago. Last August I had one and that's when the red flag went up. I have had the doctor preform a PSA test when I go in. It's a simple blood test. Apparently a lot of guys don't know about this test. It is the life saver. I had no symptoms of being sick. There aren't any until (like Zappa and Hopper) it's too late.
So, keep the PSA test in mind. Especially if you have a family history of cancer. My dad had prostate cancer too. He is still going strong at 82 years old.
He actually got up and danced out on the dance floor as my band played Fairies Wear Boots once. :lol: :oops: :lol: :oops:.
Some times if you know what to do you can beat the stuff. This is what I wish for you guys.

Rock on!!!
8) 8) 8) ,people like be needed very often,god plus you are a true friend, :D :D :D
I'm glad everything has been going good for you and your family. Thanks so much for this post, as I'm sure it awaken some here to get checkups/physicals done (it sure woke me up :shock: )

Cheers and have a good night! :D
My best to you and your family Riff.....It's SOOO lucky when they can catch it early. I absolutely agree with you about the PSA test. I''ve been getting them for the past few years myself. Now that I'm employed again, need to get in and get it done for this year.

It's really easy guys....don't let that crap sneak up on you....get it early!!

Rock on, Riff....
Mark III,

Thanks for the info. Looks like a PSA could be a lifesaver.

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