Can I play Bass Guitar through a MK11c?

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May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
If I drive a bass speaker box with th Mkllc will I be likely to damage the amp?

I don't have a bass head and am doing a few gigs as a bass player..

I would probably be playing quite loud.. (as loud as a 100watt mkllc and a 2x12 8ohm bass cab will allow...)

As long as you're not connected to a guitar speaker and you're not running the amp wide open I can't see any problems. I wouldn't have a clue how to dial in a good bass tone with that amp, but you can probably get by. If you are going to be playing a few gigs on bass you might want to look into renting a bass head - it can't cost that much and it woud probably be much better suited to the task IMO.
:twisted: I play my 5 string bass through my DR every now and again just for the fun of it :twisted: I have always run my bass through guitar amps, just because I only play bass as a last minute fill in and would rather buy more guitar gear than a bass amp, and I've never had an issue with it. 8)
The previous owner of my Mark IIC coliseum, also played from time to time with a bass, and no problem so far, he even used the same speakers, he had 4 black shadow 150 watts in a Carvin 4x12.
MKIII said:
sharkinabus - wash your mouth out! :shock:

This is heresy; technically possible, but heresy nonetheless....


Absolutely! Basses are for people who can't play guitar!
phaboo said:
MKIII said:
sharkinabus - wash your mouth out! :shock:

This is heresy; technically possible, but heresy nonetheless....


Absolutely! Basses are for people who can't play guitar!

You may be right... Then Markllc+'s must be for bassists who can play guitar!

...seriously though, since picking up bass I've become one of the few guitarists I know that can keep in time.. :wink:

hehe :twisted:
fpoon said:
Hey lesterpaul, how do you like that G-System?

dig it-the ability to route before preamp and after makes it "flexable"-the filter and compressor are both killer,as well as delay(the tc dual delay really shines in stereo setup)..I am not that big on pitch, but I will wear out an octaver type setting-reverbs are lush..bottom line,really kicks in my setup-some say it degrades their tone,but it sounds killer to me-I also use it with my acoustic 2 man band..the boost helps me cut thru when I need a little country shred in these bars I play in..(Minor Hill,Tn..switchblades are required dress..)