Can I play a Dual Recto in my bedroom??????

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Yes, the recto is a beast that really comes out when you crank it, when you let it out!

But IMO, even at lower volumes, it takes most of the smaller amps around. That fury is still there.....just not in full.
As with many things in life ... your mileage may vary.

I think, the louder it gets, the better it sounds. But when it's late and the kids are in bed, I crank the master way down and switch to the modern mode. Lots of gain for playing around at low volumes. Sure it isn't the awesome Mesa tone you get when the power tubes are being driven hard, but I don't have that expectation when I want to play quietly either.

As others have stated ... I wouldn't base your puchasing decision on how the amp sounds at low volumes. Even at low volumes, you will get a better sound than what you have now. And making any other purchase just puts you that much farther away from the amp you really want.

My first Mesa was, for me, the best amp purchase I ever made.
Mesa is Love.
the question was "Can I play a dual recto in my bedroom?" The answer is simply: Yes. To get a cranked tone without the aid of anything but the amp, one has to play it cranked. Otherwise its not going to sound as good. But again THAT in its self is subjective. People do it...and tolerate the hinderances in tone a little. Personal taste I reckon. Just my 2 cents.
well if you feel like blowing your ears out, go for it
if not try an attenuator, i hear the weber mass is pretty good
I agree with Ravenshaw....ther IS no substitute for having the balls on sound of the power tubes cooking away. My output is usually a 2:30 or somewhere close. But then again I have a single recto so at lower volumes its a little easier to get a nicer tone. But again its subjective. Not that I or anyone else here wants to tell you what to do but the single recto or rectoverb might be a good choice if you ARE planning on keeping your amp in the bedroom alot. It is ALMOST as loud as a Dual Rec roughly 3 decibles difference as I recall...someone correct me if I'm wrong...and it will keep up with any band you'd ever wanna play with. And its a little more manageable at lower volumes. Oh and she costs less too ;) I mean its minus the extra channel and some other features but again it might be worth looking into.
FPFL said:
I just think that BJ, from the sounds of it, would be way better off getting something designed for someone at his level and in his place, like maybe one of the new Zooms with the built in drum machine. I got a G2 for super short money and as a one piece play / record / jam tool its pretty impressive. 32 bit chip in there!

Playing against those beats will actually make you a better player / songwriter if you are certain to be bedroom bound and not have a real band to jam with. I have a real band and still kick it to drum machines to make the most of my time at home.


Why do you think that I am starting playing guitar now, or that I'm a noob? "at his level"??...Why do you think that I need a s.hity zoom with a built in drum machine?? I don't know why you have to think that just because I play in my bedroom I am a bad guitarist or that I'm not searching for an excelent tone...


In your rush to get offended you should consider what I actually said.

I said no arrogant statement about your playing. I made at guess based on what you've said that you were younger and living at home. Was I wrong? You said it would be probably two years before you were in a band. My gut says, this person has never been in a band that played clubs before. Was I wrong?

I never said "Younger people that live at home suck!" So I really think you should exhale before flaming me.

Furthermore I don't think the Zoom or the GT-8 are shitty, I own a Zoom and love it for praticing at home and with my band. Its the first of the new 32 bit modellers and the amp tone is good for headphones but the FX are top notch. No BS. I even use it in the loop of my Mesa for FX from time to time, thats how "shitty" it is, but I'm just picking on you right?

Even more clearly, I was never trying to steer you toward bad tone. Quite the reverse. I believe from years of experience that a tube amp is only good tone when it can roar, and then it is the best tone. Some disagree but thats opinion.

I wish you luck and encourage you to be a little more patient with those actually responding to your own questions.

I'll chime in with a different reply, if you already have a GT-8 and an amplifier, and don't expect to play out for 2 years, I wouldn't make that big of a purchase just yet.

Think about that, spending over $1K for an amp that will be played at low volumes for the next 2 years. Doesn't make much sense to me.

I LOVE my DR, but for practicing purposes, I'll plug into my guitarport or a number of SS amps I have, just makes sense to me.
I play my RK at "bedroom levels" from time to time. For me to carry the head and 2x12 up a total of 42 steps, set up and re-adjust everything. My Vamp into headphones sounds much more appealing. I'm sure others have it worse. Yes, The sound of the two do not compare. I much rather have my Mesa roaring away at 100w but I don't care much for the sound at "bedroom levels". :roll:

About the band in 2 years comment. I can see where you guys are going, $1500 on a amp is overkill for bedroom use. I'm not in a "band" either and I don't "play out", but I did save alot of money by switching to Geico! Ok! not funny...
I do get to crank my amp at least twice a week and I spent way more!!! Ok... I'm not happy about that, but man the sound OMFG!!!

I have an idea. Go to Guitar Center and play it at low volumes, you be the judge! If you like it and its still what you hoped for then follow your heart and get it. IMO you'll save alot by buying the amp of your dreams now then slowly working up to it.

Best of luck!
I dont use an atteunator and I am fine with my VHT 2x12 adn it is louder than my friends 4x12 by far. I just try to play loud at convinient times for everyone else. I have overcome it and i play loud as hell.
I play mine all the time at a low low volume. As said before, these amps come alive at higher volumes, but it does me just perfect to play it quiet. I had wanted one of these amps for years. I bought a Line 6 HD 147 and played it through head phones, I've had PODs, etc. IMO, you should buy the amp, because if you have the means to purchase it now, and you have plans to be jammin' in the futuer, buy the amp. You may not have the money for some reason or another in the future when you are playing in a band. Just my 2 cents.
Consider this. I have a Road King II and Peavey JSX head that I play through 2x12 cabs I've built myself. I also have a Vox Tonelab and POD XT Live.

I rarely use my amps at home. Lately, I've only had 30-60 minutes most nights to play and thats after my 3 kids are asleep. Therefore, I use my Tonelab 98% of the time.

If you don't plan on playing out for two years, don't by an amp now.
I don't know...

I would like to buy it now...I have the money

But I don't want to buy that amp and then being forced to use an attenuator and suck the amp's tone...I don't want to buy a Ferrari to go shopping...It's a lot of money, and if I buy something like that, I want it to sound MUCH better than a PODXT at bedroom levels, I don't want it to have a decent sound in a bedroom, I want it sound great.

If it is like a Ferrari it should sound excellent at bedroom or stage levels.


But I don't want to buy it and discover that I don't like it (at bedroom levels...because when it's cranked it's impossible not to like it and I know that it sounds great when cranked)

So, definetly...Buy it or NOT?

I don't want to buy a Ferrari to go shopping.

That's exactly what you'd be doing.

if I buy something like that, I want it to sound MUCH better than a PODXT at bedroom levels.

That's just not going to happen. You'd be asking an amp, that was designed to be played loud, to sound better at low volumes, than a device that was designed to sound great at low volumes.

Your expectations are not very realistic.

The Ferarri analogies are not very accurate.
The reason i bought a Triple Rectifier was because i previously had an amp the was nowhere near loud enough at stage volumes for when my band played venues with small to no sound systems. I wanted an amp that woud be able to be heard wherever, whenever--no questions asked. I got it in the triple, and can even give most sound systems that aren't at least 16 channel bus systems a run for their money without being mic'ed. WITH ALL THAT SAID, i still enjoy playing this same amp at bedroom levels, getting nearly the same tone and gain structure as i do live, granted sometimes i do crank it a little when the folks aren't home, hehe, but i have to say that my amp sounds good at any volume, anywhere. SO, if you do plan on playing in a band sometime soon, i would recommend buying the amp that you want, and since you have the money, i say go for the Dual. Plus, with the Dual you have the 1/2 power option as well. Trust me, if you're heart's set on it, like i was and still am, you won't be happy with anything else. Good luck Jakk.

Buy it!
Play it at the store and listen to how it sounds at low volumes.
I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Myself, I have gone so Mesa-MeNtal that I won't play through any other kind of amp.

Another thing to consider ...
Mesas have a great re-sale value. Imagine in a month you decide that you don't like the amp. There are few things in life you can buy and turn around a month later and sell for nearly what you paid for it. With a Mesa, you can.

Mesa is Love!
The problem is that I live in portugal..and here there are no amps in stock

We have to order it and buy it...What I buy is based on what you guys say..

if you say its ok at bedroom levels, good..if you say it doesn't, well I won't buy it.

I want to buy it and feel that it is perfect for me at bedroom or at stage (no questions about the stage part)

In a bedroom it sounds great or not? Distortion, tone, bla bla bla bla bla


A Triple Rectifier, recorded with a $5 microphone at low volume (but, the highest possible volume without microphone clipping).

This is not me.
How about a Rectifier recording pre-amp now and add the power amp later when you need it?