cabinet question

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Hi everyone,I'm a LSS 112 combo owner and i'm looking for a 1x12" cabinet.I'd like to order one from Mesa but my dealer told me i need to pay in advence and it will take 3 to 8 months before shipping.So i look all their cabs (I'm thinking about buying a cheap one that i'll sell when i'm gonna get my Mesa)

the less expenceive was:

1st place: Crate
2nd : Vox
3rd : Marshall
...and of cours Mesa is the most expencive of them all but they dont keep them in stock

There is always the possibility of building my own but do you think that the Crate would screw my tone?
As i can see from reviews and forums Crate doesnt have a good reputation,anyone out there owning one?Is this reputation founded or just rumours?

Yeah i know my english is not very good but my reading is better than i typing so dont be affraid to comment.

Thank you and good luck with your music!
F.Ace said:
I'd like to order one from Mesa but my dealer told me i need to pay in advence and it will take 3 to 8 months before shipping.
3 to 8 months? Are you outside of the US? Do you need the 1x12 soon or can you wait 3 to 8 months? Personally, I would not even consider any of the cabs you mentioned. If you can, try to track down a Bogner 1x12 or a Custom Audio Amps (CAA/CAE) 1x12. If you are in Europe, it may be easier/quicker to find an Engl 1x12. Those would be my choices.
I am definitely not a fan of crap...err...crate cabinets.

However, I base this solely on the one Crate I have ever owned (and still own).
You get what you pay for in this instance, I'm afraid.

I wonder how much worse a Behringer cab would sound.... :roll:

PS~ I second the recommendation on the Avatar cab.
I'm not sure if you are in the U.S. or not, but if you don't order any custom options it should be shipped out relatively quickly I think (3 months or less I would think). And I don't see why the dealer can't accept a 20% down payment with the remaining balance paid when it arrives. :roll:
Out of the options you gave us, I would go with the VOX cab--I think it would be the closest to what your looking for and have the highest resale value of all of them :wink:

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