Cabinet for a Recto:What are good alternatives to Mesa cabs?

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Phil[th]adelphia, PA
I used to own a Roadster and a Recto 2x12. I will be buying another Dual Rectifier head for this new band project and would like a nice fat closed back 2x12 or 4x12 to go with it.

I loved the spongy sound I got from the Roadster/Recto212 combo, but I'm wondering if there's other cabs/speakers out there that's not quite as expensive that would sound just as good or better. Has anyone had great results with other stuff? I'm not a big fan of G12T-75's, but I understand the actual wood cabinet of those Marshalls are nice and tight for Recto tones. As far as tone goes, I've got my lead tones covered with my other amps, so this rig will be for "the heavy side" of things.
I have a Vader 2x12 for my 2 Ch. Dual Recto. It's great. Lots of headroom and very clear. It has 2 120w Custom Eminence Speakers in it that are really flat. So, what you put into the cab, is what you get out of it. It handles low end extremely well and has very articulate high mids.

I suggest checking them out.

Mills Afterburner 4x12... hands down the best cab I've ever played and are designed around the Recto.. look up my review in the amps section on this forum for more info.
Check out Soldano cabs. I have a 2x12 Soldano with 75w Eminence Legends speakers in it and it sounds fuckin' great, it outstrips my recto 2x12 for beefy, chunky metal for sure. The cab is over-sized even more so than Mesa's cabs, and the speakers have more headroom so they won't rip up quite as soon. I think they have a flatter response as well, they always seem to sound more clear than my recto 2x12. I kinda prefer it with my MKIV, it seems to match that tight, mid-rangey tone better than it does for an actual rectifier (hmmm... strange that recto cabs sound good with rectos? :lol:), but it still sounds great with my Road King.
MetalMGH said:
Yeah, for a long while I wanted an Afterburner, and still kinda do, but since I'd literally be paying twice the price for one new (I've never seen 'em used) compared to the price of a good used Recto cab, I just couldn't justify all that extra money for the internal afterburner ported baffle...thingie (and they go on and on about their construction, but Mesa construction is still in the absolute top tier IMO, so there's not much room for improvement there!). As for sound, well, you can count on pretty much every modern high gain tone being recorded through either a Marshall 4x12 or Mesa, the latter being FAR more common in anything remotely heavy, so it's tried and true there as well - and like I said, I love mine!

Maybe i should have wrote a little more (i was a little tired)... The Afterburner is now my favorite cab i've ever played but i still love Mesa cabs as well as VHT cabs. You can't go wrong with either company especially since you can find them used while Mills only pop up once in a blue moon. I'd say if you can find a Mesa Recto or Stiletto 4x12 or even a VHT Deliverence or Fat Bottom for the right price jump on them... before my Mills I had great success with all those cabs. Also the Bogner Uberkabs are amazing but also pricey.

Another option is always the Avatar cabs... great quality and affordible. I dont feel they sound AS good as Mesa or VHT but they're definitely worth the look if affordibility plays a bigger part in your decision. Another sleeper company is Randall... their higher end cabs (which can be affordible on the used market) are very close to the Mesa's. hope that helps.
jdurso said:
MetalMGH said:
Yeah, for a long while I wanted an Afterburner, and still kinda do, but since I'd literally be paying twice the price for one new (I've never seen 'em used) compared to the price of a good used Recto cab, I just couldn't justify all that extra money for the internal afterburner ported baffle...thingie (and they go on and on about their construction, but Mesa construction is still in the absolute top tier IMO, so there's not much room for improvement there!). As for sound, well, you can count on pretty much every modern high gain tone being recorded through either a Marshall 4x12 or Mesa, the latter being FAR more common in anything remotely heavy, so it's tried and true there as well - and like I said, I love mine!

Maybe i should have wrote a little more (i was a little tired)... The Afterburner is now my favorite cab i've ever played but i still love Mesa cabs as well as VHT cabs. You can't go wrong with either company especially since you can find them used while Mills only pop up once in a blue moon. I'd say if you can find a Mesa Recto or Stiletto 4x12 or even a VHT Deliverence or Fat Bottom for the right price jump on them... before my Mills I had great success with all those cabs. Also the Bogner Uberkabs are amazing but also pricey.

Another option is always the Avatar cabs... great quality and affordible. I dont feel they sound AS good as Mesa or VHT but they're definitely worth the look if affordibility plays a bigger part in your decision. Another sleeper company is Randall... their higher end cabs (which can be affordible on the used market) are very close to the Mesa's. hope that helps.

How did you like the X pattern speakers in the Uberkab compared to 4 v30s?
Rydock said:
jdurso said:
MetalMGH said:
Yeah, for a long while I wanted an Afterburner, and still kinda do, but since I'd literally be paying twice the price for one new (I've never seen 'em used) compared to the price of a good used Recto cab, I just couldn't justify all that extra money for the internal afterburner ported baffle...thingie (and they go on and on about their construction, but Mesa construction is still in the absolute top tier IMO, so there's not much room for improvement there!). As for sound, well, you can count on pretty much every modern high gain tone being recorded through either a Marshall 4x12 or Mesa, the latter being FAR more common in anything remotely heavy, so it's tried and true there as well - and like I said, I love mine!

Maybe i should have wrote a little more (i was a little tired)... The Afterburner is now my favorite cab i've ever played but i still love Mesa cabs as well as VHT cabs. You can't go wrong with either company especially since you can find them used while Mills only pop up once in a blue moon. I'd say if you can find a Mesa Recto or Stiletto 4x12 or even a VHT Deliverence or Fat Bottom for the right price jump on them... before my Mills I had great success with all those cabs. Also the Bogner Uberkabs are amazing but also pricey.

Another option is always the Avatar cabs... great quality and affordible. I dont feel they sound AS good as Mesa or VHT but they're definitely worth the look if affordibility plays a bigger part in your decision. Another sleeper company is Randall... their higher end cabs (which can be affordible on the used market) are very close to the Mesa's. hope that helps.

How did you like the X pattern speakers in the Uberkab compared to 4 v30s?

Well i find v30s sound different in different cabs but i liked the X pattern. Reminded me of when i had my Basson 2x12 which had eminence legends and my Roadster 2x12 with v30s both with my Roadster. Very big, very articulate... but i found all that and more in my Mills cab which is the only reason i got away from those two 2x12s. I much prefer the Mills to the Bogner even the bogner is great.
Enven though I play through a single recto, I don't own a Mesa cab. For 4X12, I have an old Ampeg V-4 bass cab loaded with greenbacks and v-30's. But I almost always gig with my Genz Benz G-flex 212. It's a crazy design with speakers that tilt slightly outward and ports across the bottom front. I think I paid around $500 for mine new. It sounds better, in my opinion, than any of the Mesa 212 cabs and rivals our other guitar player's Mesa 412 in volume and bass response. I do have to drastically change my settings, though, when playing through any other cab.
I like my recto std. But If I had to recommend another cab, Id say, Check out the Mills Acoustic afterburner, The Randall MTS cabs (very nice. no one thinks randall is capable of making high end gear. But they make a bad *** cab). and the new bogner Uber cab is definate keeper.
I wanted another cab to complete my stack I just wanted something with different sound a bit.I bought Randall RS125RX cab with 2x12 and 1x15 inch Eminence legend speakers and I´m so happy with "heavy" tone.It cost half price of Mesa cab but It sounds like the equal opponent.
This... nothing but this. :)

I must admit, that is quite a nice little rig you have yourself there, sir!
Without a doubt for the price check in on Avatar. You can customize the cab to suite your needs.
vitor gracie said:
This... nothing but this. :)


Hey man, so you finally got the Orange cab in black! That thing looks killer! How's the setup treating you?


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