buying guitar picks

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
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In my ignorant youth, I bought a package of Musicians Friend brand celluloid picks. Since they're what I'm used to, I love how they feel and play. (I guess they're more or less the same as the classic Fender 351s).

My gripe with them is that they round off pretty quickly. I've begun looking at other picks, but I don't want to change the feel...just durability. Besides not knowing whether nylon is more durable, I also don't really know what .mm size is going to most closely correspond to "medium".

What do you suggest? :?
Go to your local GC or other guitar store. Buy a handfull of different picks you think you might like, and try a few that make you say "WTF?", just to experiment a bit. Make sure you try different materials and manufacturers. Play each type of pick for at LEAST and hour, or until it becomes reasonably "comfortable". Then decide which you like the most, and go back and buy a pack of 'em.
I switch picks every now and then, so I just keep a handful of various brands.

I like the celluloid picks, but I also like the tortex picks. A good medium (IMO) is from a brand called Picks By The Pound. They are kinda like a Tortex. I tend to like them more than regular Tortex picks.
carlsoti said:
Go to your local GC or other guitar store. Buy a handfull of different picks you think you might like, and try a few that make you say "WTF?", just to experiment a bit. Make sure you try different materials and manufacturers. Play each type of pick for at LEAST and hour, or until it becomes reasonably "comfortable". Then decide which you like the most, and go back and buy a pack of 'em.

This is great advice, and I followed it once. I ultimately decided that I wanted the same feel I already had. I'm just getting tired of replacing the picks.

Tortex feels more slippery than cell, if I'm not it significantly tougher than nylon?
highwaynine said:
Tortex feels more slippery than cell, if I'm not it significantly tougher than nylon?

i've never broken a Tortex pick. i've lost hundreds but i've never broken one :lol: .
The JD jazz 3's or tortex med . if available . Depend's how you hold 'em .
For electric .

Acoustic , any med. pics.

When pickin '

Yeah, they hurt the next day .
That's what super glue is for ... and Ale , of course .

carlsoti said:
Go to your local GC or other guitar store. Buy a handfull of different picks you think you might like, and try a few that make you say "WTF?", just to experiment a bit. Make sure you try different materials and manufacturers. Play each type of pick for at LEAST and hour, or until it becomes reasonably "comfortable". Then decide which you like the most, and go back and buy a pack of 'em.

I did this and ended up hooked on little Fender 358 picks. They're about the size of a dime. 351s feel HUGE now!
I carve my own from Ivory. Nothing plays or sounds like ivory. Old piano keys are gold....
MF said:
Sustain said:
tortex purple (1.14) FTW

i'd destroy my strings in seconds with that thickness :lol: .

I usually use the red (0.5) or rhythm and the yellow (0.73) for leads.

anything thinner has too much give for me, i end up not being able to pick fast enough because the pick gives too much. I can deal with the green ones which are one step thinner, but anything less and the pick has too much give for my speed picking.
MF said:
Dunlop Tortex

i've tried seemingly every pick under the sun and i keep coming back to these time and time again.

Agreed. I find them easier to hold on to then a bunch of the fender picks I've used and they last forever (well a long time at least).
I use they .88mm picks, they're the green ones, they're not flimsy at all but they're not unwieldy or clunky either. Great for fast playing and durable.
I also like the shape waayy more than those Fender egg-shaped picks (358, 354 etc.)
My son plays with Dunlop Stubbies... Feels like playing with a rock ;) I liked the Tortex better myself... Then I tried the nylon JD .67mm. Those are my favorites now.... When I muck around with his guitars that is ;)

15 years ago I too was a fan of the stubbies.. I've used the dark purple 3.0mm all the time. Still have them, including the lighter purple 2.0mm and the clear 1.0mm, and they're a ***** to locate when they fell on the ground. :)

Favorite pick today is the Jazz III, I don't think I will change unless the petrucci ultex comes in my hands.
Bought him some Jazz III, he likes them but he seems to fall back on his stubbies ;)
I'm a teardrop green .88 tortex guy myself.. I've tried them all and I always come back to this.

I actually used the normal ones forever but MF messed up an order of mine once and sent me the teardrops, now I'm addicted to them.

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