Burning smell from my Mark IV Head

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2005
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Hey guys, I turned on my Mark IV today to play and everything was fine. After about 15 minutes there is a slight burning smell. I don't know how to describe it. The smell is most potent when I put my nose right near the lead bass and lead mid controls. Has anyone ever had this experience, and if so, what could it possibly be? Could it be because my Mark IV has no fan? It didn't come with one, so if thats the problem, what kind of fan would I need and where would I be able to get one without shelling out a bunch of cash for ordering one from Mesa? Any help is appreciated.
how new is your amp? did you recently replace the tubes? when you are playing, have a look at the tubes and check that none of them are glowing brighter than the rest.
Well I looked at my tubes, and my 2 EL-34's are fine, but my 2 6L6's are glowing blue. I don't think they would be going bad being that are only 4-5 months old. If any one has any input on the situation let me know. I really need to know whats going on with this thing. Thanks.
usually there is a bit of smell coming from new tubes, or if you really drive the tubes (turn all the way up). if its neither of those, must be something in the circutry. maybe a wire is going. not too sure really
I really don't ever turn my master volume or channel volume up past 3 so it can't be that. I'm thinking its with the circuitry. I guess I'll have to take it to a mesa tech to get it looked at. Thanks for the help. Its greatly appreciated.
I would ask Mesa about a fan, my IV (head) is from 93 and has a fan. I later ordered a combo body and that too came with a fan. Long chassis by the way.
It probably has nothing to do with the smell since you had the amp 5 months already and this just started but it would not hurt to inquire.
My Road King series 1 recently was having the same burning smell problem with old output tubes (it's a 2004 used head, not sure how old but at least 6 months or so). I re-tubed all 13 tubes and it still made that burning smell with volume problems.

I had cranked it up to 6 on preamp and master but that's only 50% basically (called Mesa and they thought I was insane). Took it to Mesa Hollywood for service. They said they'd only charge me for labor but I'm not on warranty (wasn't trasnferred to me when I bought it).
Taking it to the hollywood store isn't really an option for me because I live near Philadelphia. I suppose I could send it to Mesa and have them repair it, or take it to a certified Mesa tech and have him look at it. Being that my 6L6's are blue, could it be those 2 tubes that are causing the smell? If thats so I guess Mesa would replace the tubes being that they have the warranty on them right?