broken speaker lead

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Jul 26, 2007
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greetings! new member here & new owner of a LSC ( 2 MONTHS). amp kept cutting out, took it back to dealer and they narrowed it down to a speaker lead? mesa is sending one to the dealer to solder in. question: between me and the dealer trying to figure it out, i guess the amp was running without a load. should i be concerned? great forum by the way, and a FANTASTIC AMP!
You will find out when they put in the new lead. Chances are it will be fine if it was just a short time with no load. If the amp does not sound right, or does not work correctly, do not leave the store. Have it sent back to Mesa (or repaired at the store) for warrenty service. If the store gives you any crap, call Mesa directly.

Congrats on the new LSC. Hope it all works out OK for you.

Don't get hang up on it, as long as it fires up when they fix the lead, your good to go. I hope it is just a bad lead, are you talking about where it connects to the speaker? if yes why didn't they resoulder it and give you your amp back?
not real sure but he said that one of the leads were crushed somehow. he played the amp part through another cab and everything was ok and mesa would send a new part. mesa called me then called the dealer THEN called me back so no lacking in customer service! will make sure everything is ok before i leave the shop. lucky for me that the shop is only 15 minutes away and they will take care of anything in case the amp ever needs to be shiped back to mesa. thanx for the replies