Boss Effects Anyone?

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Jul 25, 2008
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Just curious about the general consensus over Boss pedals.
Like 'em? Hate 'em? Please be specific about models and opinions.

I'll start:

I just recently took the NS-2 out of my chain. Instead I A/B'd my noisy pedals (Dist and EQ). Now I only bring them in when needed. The NS-2 was just okay at noise suppression, and it was terrible at distinguishing noise from not-noise. It squashed my attack when set to remove all noise. And when it was set to not squash my was worthless as a NS. I am starting to think that Boss pedals just suck in general... any thoughts.

By the way, the A/Bing my noisy pedals works way better than the NS-2!
Got a bunch of boss pedals, nt using anything exept Eq20.
1. Bd-2 was rather good, but I did some mods and second guitarist from my band took it:)
2. Ce-5 - was good ad first, but i didn't dig into it, nothing catchy...out of chain
3. Cs-3 - did some mods, and then i realized that i'm not a compressor guy:) now collecting dust
4. Ns-2 - been used only for it's mute option, not bat, but since i'm not gigin' anymore it's collecting dust
5. Eq20 awesome, just what I was looking for! 10 presets, can't ay a bad word about it, compared it against MXR 10 band eq, i think that there's no difference in sound, but Eq20 is programmable, so it's in the chain!

Boss are good thing to start from, you can choose the type of effects you like and than find a better one, that's my opinion.
Boss is just really characterless in my opinion. They make really sturdy, find them anywhere pedals, but everybody has them. So you end up sounding un-unique with a lot of Boss pedals, but as a gigging musician they are a great option, because if one goes out you just pick up a new one at the local music store in nowhere/anywhere town. I think they're great for modding, and filling gaps in your pedal board on the cheap. However, all the Boss pedals I own are waiting to be replaced.
aberrant said:
all the Boss pedals I own are waiting to be replaced.

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. I have quite a few. The only three that I'm considering keeping are the GE-7, LS-2, and the DD-6...all may do some good in a pinch.

I'm in search of a good compressor (probably a Barber), and a good distortion.
Boy. Okay, here we go. I personally think Boss has gotten a bad rap over the years. Everything now days is "True Bypass" and "Botique" as if that's the end-all quest for the Holy Grail of tone. I have a boat-load of Boss as well as MXR, Fulltone, Moog, DigiTech, Marshall, Ibanez, Voodo Lab, Radial Engineering and on and on. As far as MXR goes, aside from the Super Dyna Comp, Carbon Copy Delay and Script Phase 90, the rest of the lot is, to me, not cuttin' it. With regards to Boss I REALLY like the RE 20 Space Echo, DD 20 Giga Delay, RC2 and RC 20XL loopers, RV 5 Reverb, RT 20 Rotary Ensemble, PH 3 Phase, BF 3 Flanger and CH 1 Super Chorus. Boss has been around for many, many years and have been among the pioneers in this industry. Take a look at what lay at the feet of many a super star guitarists and you will see some Boss pedals on their boards. I personally think they make a good solid mass produced product and I will probably continue to buy Boss as well as the other brands I mentioned. So that's my 2 cents on Boss.
Prince STILL uses Boogies and STOCK Boss pedals.

They work for him!...
I'm in search of a good compressor (probably a Barber), and a good distortion

I am a newer Tone Press user. This pedal is pure magic. If Boss made a compressor even close to this, it would be on my board. Its like someone told me here- "you may not know its on, but you will know when its not....."
does exactly what a compressor needs to do without thieving your dynamics.....

I dont mind Boss- built like tanks and highly dependable. But, having said that, I dont own any Boss pedals. Too many other options that sound better to my ears.


most of them got a decent sound...

the DD-5 i had was really good

my tuner sucks... got problems with the output, send back to the factory, they found no problem... bu it still doesn't work... disapointing...

i heard buzz osbourne said that he only uses boss effect because is one goes wrong he can find one in any music store in any country in the world...

so... boss is the macdonald of stomp box :lol:
I use a DD3 and CE5 sound great and are tough reliable pedals. As someone already said many of the top players have a least one Boss on their board.
boswell said:
I use a DD3 and CE5 sound great and are tough reliable pedals. As someone already said many of the top players have a least one Boss on their board.

yup, same here. If someday i start making millions then i might be able to justify owning a whole rack of boutique pedals, but for now Boss will fill out most of my board.
for the most part im not a big effects user my self I believe when used correctly they can add alot to your arsenal. But as for Boss I have had a few that were bad and good, I always recommend that people go try out pedals before you make a decision because when it all comes down to it you are the one playing it and you need to be happy with your sound. I know guys that use a "crappy" brand pedal and it fits their sound, and style, and they absolutly love it.
I own a Boss Gt-6 because I loved the Boss stomp-boxes. Yes, the chorus is generic, but it's also gorgeous. I compared the OD-3 with my buddy's TubeScreamer...and I know everyone says the TS is better....but I prefer the OD-3. The DD-5 is sweet and clear, and I liked the Metal Zone for the widely varied aggressive sounds it could make.

Of course, I prefer Danelectro's cheap mini flange pedal to any non-boutique flange, so maybe my ears are just defective... :roll:
The DS-1 (distortion)is cool, & I have a CS-1 (compressor) that I like, but overall I think I prefer Electro Harmonix pedals...
I had a CS-1 for about an hour. Hated it. Noisy. Muddy.

There are some mods that can be done to it, though, that make it pretty sweet. But in its stock state - yuck.
camsna said:
I had a CS-1 for about an hour. Hated it. Noisy. Muddy.

There are some mods that can be done to it, though, that make it pretty sweet. But in its stock state - yuck.

ewww I dont mind modding something to make it more functional but not to make something that sounds like crap actually work properly. thanks for the feedback. I might roll out to guitar center and try one out still but a few people have said the CS-1 fails but i have heard good as well
Sixstringpsycho said:
eldi said:
The DS-1 (distortion)is cool, & I have a CS-1 (compressor) that I like, but overall I think I prefer Electro Harmonix pedals...

how is that CS-1 i have been curious to try one out.

Its alright I guess, though it is a bit on the noisy side, I use mine played clean, mostly in conjunction with a chorus pedal to get that 80's new wave type of tone, but without the chorus, it sounds cool playing country licks through it. It works good enough for me, not bad for a $15 pawn shop prize!

I still would like to try an MXR Dyna Comp, or a Keeley, & I'd love to get a hold of an original Ross....I don't think the CS-1 is being made any more, but I think I like it more than the CS-3, sounds a little warmer to my ears.

Since I only paid $15 for it, I think I could look past its shortcomings until I can find a good deal on another compressor...
secretsoundz said:
I think in general that Boss effects suck. That's just my opinion though...

I you're going to make a statement like that you need to back it up with specifics.
I had a couple of Boss pedals and have used some others. The only Boss I've tried that I've outright hated was the PH-3 Phaser.

The rest seemed to do an alright job. Not amazing, but for the price, they're okay.

I think Electro Harmonix pedals sound great, but reliability is an issue. Boss is the opposite. Sound isn't as good, but they're tough.

I probably won't be buying any more Boss pedals. I'm at the point where if I buy a pedal of a certain type, I want it to be the last pedal I buy.